Tensorflow Lite Converter Example!!

Let us deploy Deep learning TensorFlow model on edge devices using TF Lite.

Maheshwar Ligade
3 min readDec 16, 2019


There are three different ways we can use TensorFlow lite converter

  1. Convert TF SaveModel to TF Lite
  2. Convert Keras PreBuilt Model to TF Lite
  3. Concrete Function to TF Lite
  4. Convert TF SaveModel to TF Lite:-

Let us create a simple model using TensorFlow and save that model using the TF SaveModel. To develop this model we will use TensorFlow API. In this example, we will show how to convert SaveModel into TF Lite FlatBuffer.

2. Convert Keras PreBuilt Model to TF Lite:-

In this section, we have explored how to convert the prebuilt Keras model into the TF lite model. We will run inference on a pre-trained tf.keras MobileNet model to TensorFlow Lite.

3. Concrete Function to TF Lite:-

In order to convert TensorFlow 2.0 models to TensorFlow Lite, the model needs to be exported as a concrete function. If you have developed your model using TF 2.0 then this is for you. We will convert concrete function into the TF Lite model. In this section also we will use the Keras MobileNet model.

We will tf.function to create a callable tensorflow graph of our model.

CLI TF Lite Converter:-

Apart from this python API we can also use Command Line Interface to convert model. TF lite converter to convert SaveModel to the TFLite model.

The TensorFlow Lite Converter has a command-line tool tflite_convert which supports basic models.

--output_file. Type: string. Specifies the full path of the output file.

--saved_model_dir. Type: string. Specifies the full path to the directory containing the SavedModel generated in 1.X or 2.X.

--keras_model_file. Type: string. Specifies the full path of the HDF5 file containing the tf.keras model generated in 1.X or 2.X.

The converter supports SavedModel directories, tf.keras models, and concrete functions.

For now, we will end off with these options only. Next article we will explore converting RNN model and Quantized Models.

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Maheshwar Ligade

Learner, Full Stack Developer, blogger, amateur #ML,#DL,#AI dev in the quantum moment. I run https://techwasti.com/ to post all my articles.