A Complete Guide to Renovating Your Website for Thanksgiving

Published in
6 min readMay 10, 2021


Thanksgiving Day

The day of gratitude, sharing love, and having lots of turkeys is just around the corner. However, due to the rise of COVID-19, Thanksgiving will be different this year. To contain the spread of the deadly virus, the CDC has discouraged large public gatherings. So the majority of the population will be enjoying their festivity in homes.

The current situation tells people will turn towards the digital mediums for celebrating the festive occasion. It is essential for all businesses with an online presence to decorate their websites or any other digital platform; after all, your consumers are your family.

In this article, we will discuss how you can integrate Thanksgiving ideas and the liveliness of this festive occasion into your website.

Transform The Hero Area

The first step of decorating your website should be transforming your website’s hero area; the simplest way to do so is to add badges to your web design.

It is the element a user notices the moment he enters your website. In most cases, just adding the elements of Thanksgiving in this area will do the job. You can easily get free high resolution from online image resources.

If you put in a little effort and use a video instead of a still image, the hero area will look more attractive and appealing.

Play With The Color Scheme

Every festival has some colors attached to it. Similarly, colors like orange, yellow, red, and brown are associated with Thanksgiving.

You can use shades of these colors which go best with your existing color schemes. Adding colors is always a good choice while decorating a website for some special occasion, but one should not overdo it, or else you might lose the essence of your brand.

Website Color Scheme

If the above-mentioned colors go against your color palette, then just use one of these, which goes the best with your website layout. If none goes with your design scheme then you can choose from other Thanksgiving ideas.

Tweak Your Typography A Bit

Like the color, fonts are also associated with emotions.

You can use traditional or handwritten fonts as they give a vibe of a festivity celebration. Anything modern will kill the vibe because people are used to handwritten greeting notes. You can also search the internet for Thanksgiving-based fonts and experiment with those customized typefaces as well.

The designer needs to be careful and should get carried away using these extra fonts.

Use Web Animations Related To Thanksgiving

Adding web animations might not be that easy as changing the colors and fonts, but it is highly effective.

Website Animations

As they say, perfection lies in minute details; not every website will pay this amount of attention, but if you do, you will stand out from the rest. We know that adding web animations may not be possible, but you can add a loading web animation that will cover for you.

A little effort can make your brand noticeable and prominent in the digital world.

Add Content Related To The Occasion

People buy more during the festivities. According to a survey conducted by the LocalCircles, over 51% of the population is looking to shop for festivities from e-commerce sites and apps. This is a huge jump from 27% in 2019.

Your content marketing can help you bag some extra sales if you successfully place yourself as a good brand for the consumer. For example, let’s suppose you are a clothing brand; few articles regarding popular dressing trends can hook the audience who are looking up on the internet for guidance, especially due to the COVID-19 situation.

There are a lot of Thanksgiving ideas to write about; choose the one which best suits your brand.

Special Limited Time Discount Offers

As mentioned above, almost half of the population will be shopping online for this year’s festivities. Offering discounts is a win-win situation for both the vendors and the customers.

Thanksgiving Offers

Due to the festivities and COVID, there will be traffic on your website, and a charming price can help you double your sales. You can create different packages, and separate sections for gifts as people also buy gifts on these occasions.

You don’t have to add special items at all; you can get the job done by just giving your shoppers a perspective.

Pop Up Video Messages

Having a still image of saying happy Thanksgiving as a web banner is good, but not as good as a popup video message.

Just suppose you are a website visitor, and the moment the page loads, a video message of the entire team pops up and greets you with wishes; how would you feel? You will be stunned!

This might not help you boost your sales, but it will certainly stun your consumers and will take them by surprise. Such initiatives increase your brand image by many folds.

Decorate The Website Background

The background might not be that visible, but it adds consistency to the entire layout.

Incorporating backgrounds with design elements that link to the festival will add a lot to the look and feel. Not only is it easy, but also one of the most effective ways to decorate your website timeline.

Website Background

Keep one thing in mind: don’t clutter the background with a lot of heavy design elements, or else it will make the text and other content unreadable.

Clickable Links To Your Other Social Media Platforms

A website is an important digital asset, but once it comes to socializing, it has certain limitations.

Brands all over the world run special ad campaigns that are associated with festivals, and mostly they are promoting it on their social media platforms. At the end of the day, people use the internet more to socialize, so brands engage them where they are at.

You can incorporate buttons of your social media pages on your website and divert the traffic towards your digital content. This will help to increase your social media reach.

Animated Video For The Occasion

Last but not least, get yourself an animated video for the occasion. Not cheap, but effective for sure. People like watching video content online, and you are just one viral video away from millions of leads and conversions.

People during the festivities connect with their loved ones by sharing pictures, videos, and other content online. Brands capitalize on these occasions by coming up with short animated stories to which people can relate. People not only consume such content by themselves, but they also share it with friends and family on multiple social media platforms.

The reach you get is beyond comprehension as it might get featured on different social media pages making it a viral sensation. Yes, it is expensive, but its effectiveness is guaranteed.

Wrapping It Up

One of the most important advantages that digital has over conventional marketing methods is its ability to adapt. You can customize your website easily and on short notice, which will not cost you your life’s savings.

A good digital brand is one that does not let any opportunity of interacting with the consumers go to waste. It keeps the brand alive and interesting, and the audience always looks forward to such brands on such occasions.

Your such minute efforts can take your brand to place, so always keep yourself updated and connected with the people. However, don’t use all the thanksgiving ideas at once; instead, choose the ones that work best for you.



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TECHXIDE is a Next-Gen Digital Agency that provides Professional Services of Branding & Logo Design, Video Animation, Writing, Web Design & Development.