How To Beat Competitors With A Thought-Provoking Logo Design

Published in
7 min readMay 20, 2021


The goal of every business is to lead the competition; no business aims to be the second-best, everyone wants the lion’s share in the market segment. The logo design agency leaves no stone unturned to achieve the optimum status; they tend to get the best of everything: be it the manpower, infrastructure, or the technology related to their line of work.

What if we tell you that you can get done only with the help of a good logo design. Yes, you heard it right! A good logo design agency can save you a lot of fortune, and at the same time wins you the race of being the best.

A World Without Logos

The claim may seem to be an overstatement, but in reality, it’s just the opposite. Just imagine a world without logos. There would be no distinction between the companies; it will not be wrong if we say that a logo is a brand’s identification.

The marketing world would die in a logo-free world, as it would be near to impossible to advertise without a unique identity. The advertising strategy would go in vain, as the consumer will not be able to remember the brand, let alone the ad message. Not only the businesses but also the user experience will be greatly affected. The consumer’s buying decision is mainly based on the brand reputation that is based on the brand logo.

A Logo Differentiates, A Good Logo Sets You Class Apart!

Now that you know the importance of a logo, let’s build upon it. A wisely designed logo creates a visual hierarchy of your brand. The ability of a logo to create an instant impact on the viewer increases brand recognition by many folds.

A consumer will always prefer a brand with a catchy logo, over one with a generic design. The versatility and usability of a logo also increase its importance in the branding world. A logo is the face of your brand that goes on every marketing platform. It can fit on a coffee mug, and at the same time, you can display it over a humongous billboard.

Therefore, it is important to hire a seasoned logo design agency for your company branding. A creative logo designer, well-aware of the design aesthetics, creates a logo that makes your brand excel wherever it is placed.

Create A Visual Hierarchy

But the question is: How do you achieve a logo design that can help you beat the competition? Read this blog till the end and we assure you will have a clearer picture by the time you finish reading.

  • Logos That Tell Stories

There are plenty of folks out there running businesses and selling a variety of goods. But what exactly differentiates a well-known brand from a business? It is the personality that is given to it after hours of research, done by a logo design agency.

The magic of a logo designer converts the entire brand persona into a story and keeping the brand narrative into consideration, the entire logo design process is inclined towards using creative tools that translate all the thought process into an infographic.

  • Use Of Metaphors To Gain More Attraction

The secret ingredient to gain the attraction of the consumers is to use shape, lines, or any other design element that stirs a sensation in the subconscious mind. Very few logo design agencies go the extra mile to get such logo designs done. At the end of the day, to be the best, you have to defy the ordinary.

We might not be aware of it, but hidden messages do have an effect on our buying behaviors. A teenager will always be attracted to brands with bold logo designs, while a mature audience person prefers simple logo designs.

  • Color Your Pixels Wisely

Color is essential for perfecting your logo design goals. They create an emotional appeal on the human mind; every color has its own unique effect. Green color triggers calmness, peace, and health, therefore, it’s a suitable choice if you are a healthcare brand. On the other hand, the blue color is extensively used in the corporate world, as it is an indication of trust.

While designing, a good logo designer should also put into consideration: in which part of the world the brand operates? This is because the culture has also an effect on how colors are perceived; white is considered happiness, while some cultures see it as a sign of sadness and despair.

The Art Of Typography

Using a correct typeface is essential in the logo design process. Consider the font used in the design, as the voice of the logo. One more thing, the style of the font increases the readability and makes sure that the given message is being delivered.

It defines the tone and the perception of the consumer regarding the brand. A slight change in the logo can make it either a corporate or a funky brand. Only the typography has the ability to single-handedly enhance the brand appeal. It’s not just an exaggeration; to support the claim.

Keep Your Brand Up & Personal…

A tip for the logo design agencies out there: always treat your brand as your best friend. A competent logo designer knows the ins and outs of the brand they are working for. The extra knowledge helps you create a design that is extraordinary in terms of every design aspect discussed above. You need a global team to go in the depth of your brand’s history to carve out minute details. These may include:

  • When did the brand start to work?
  • Where it operated initially?
  • What do they stand for as a brand?
  • Who do they talk to?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses?

Once the logo design agency has all these answers, they are ready to create a logo that will not only deliver for the brand, it will conquer the market with its sheer design brilliance.

… And Your Enemies Closer

Learning from your mistakes is a good practice, but learning from the error made by your competitors is even better. A good logo designer should have a keen eye on the competition. Keeping a sharp eye on the trend and the design approach that the brands around you are adapting will always keep you a step ahead of the rest.

If the approach of the competitors didn’t work out for them, then you will save a tremendous amount of time by knowing it won’t work for you either. And if it does work out, you will know in which direction to work in order to deliver a better and more appealing design.

Don’t Take Inspiration, Become One

Taking references is not a sin, but if the goal is to achieve the best, then it might not be a very good practice. Usually, the logo designers, who are inclined towards gathering lots of references, end up creating a generic logo design that neither is unique nor has a creative appeal to it.

Coming up with new logo design ideas is what keeps the digital agencies alive. The trend of generic logo designs will be the end of the design industry. We always encourage the logo design agencies to never give up on innovation. The design firms who innovate, always dominate. While the ones who are inspired are always found among the followers.

Leave Your Logo Design To Us

Either you can follow each of the steps mentioned above or HIRE US to do all the hard work for you.

Techxide is a digital agency, where it’s all about providing our partners with the digital services they deserve. And our philosophy is that you deserve nothing but the best!

Our logo design services are second to none and our competitive pricing beats everyone!

We don’t make fake promises, we deliver the best logo designs that are:

  • Embodiment Of Innovation
    We deliver news and unique logo designs according to your niche
  • Recognizable
    We make sure to design logos that are readable and understandable
  • Versatile
    Versatility is a virtue that comes naturally to our logo designers. Get the style you want for your brand at a reasonable price
  • Timeless
    Our evergreen logo designs will ensure to keep your brand name alive till the end of time.

This article was originally published on Techxide



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TECHXIDE is a Next-Gen Digital Agency that provides Professional Services of Branding & Logo Design, Video Animation, Writing, Web Design & Development.