How to embed co-creation & multidisciplinarity in the future of education and work?

Tecnología digital, derechos y empoderamiento
2 min readJan 23, 2020

Participate in the International Joint Post-Graduation in Digital Innovation and Transformation run by the Universities Of The Future project!

Logo of the Universities of the Future project

Platoniq is part of the European consortium running the Erasmus+ funded Universities of the Future project (more info at Within this framework, back in September 2018 we have carried out a Train the Trainers programme aimed at supporting university and industry professionals into embedding co-creation and co-design into their practices and work. You can read more about the Train the Trainers run by Platoniq here:

Project partners P.PORTO, Aalto University and Warsaw University of Technology are now launching a new educational endeavour: an International Joint Post-Graduation in Industry 4.0 Digital Innovation and Transformation aimed at current workforce.

This course aims to address the existing gap between industry and higher education offer by developing new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning for upskilling and reskilling of the current workforce, stimulating entrepreneurial mind-set and digital skills, while facilitating the exchange, flow, and co-creation of knowledge.

The Post-Graduation (30 ETCS) will start on 16 March 2020 and includes six modules that will be covered over 20 weeks, ending by the first week of October 2020. Besides the face-to-face and online classes, this innovative course offers the possibility to participants from the three countries to learn in an international environment and in a collaborative way, as they will attend three intensive workweeks in Porto, Warsaw and Helsinki, taking place at:

Porto, 16 to 20 March | Warsaw, 18 to 22 May | Helsinki, 05 to 09 October

If you are interested in taking part in this adventure, please find more information about the Post-Graduation here, and in the UoF website:

The Platoniq team



Tecnología digital, derechos y empoderamiento

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