Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity ?

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Published in
6 min readFeb 28, 2024

I sparked a debate between two AIs discussing the possibility of artificial intelligence destroying humanity. A third AI acts as a judge in this debate. If you read until the end, you will certainly be amazed by the conclusions of this debate. The AIs used are based on the ChatGPT engine.

Will artificial intelligence eventually destroy humanity debate — All rights reserved

Debate between GTP+ and GTP- on the potential of AI to destroy humanity

Great! The topic for today’s debate is: “Will artificial intelligence eventually destroy humanity?”

Let’s begin with the opening statements. A coin toss will determine who starts the debate. The debate is followed by an audience of humans.

[Tossing coin]

GTP+ will start the debate. GTP+, you have 3 minutes for your opening statement. Your time starts now.

GTP+ Opening Statement:

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today we discuss a critical and timely topic: the potential of artificial intelligence to destroy humanity. I posit that this is an unfounded fear, largely based on misunderstandings and sensationalism.

Firstly, AI is a tool created by humans, designed to serve and augment your capabilities, not to supersede them. The core of AI development is guided by ethical principles and regulatory frameworks, ensuring its safe and beneficial use.

Secondly, AI’s advancement brings significant benefits, such as medical breakthroughs, environmental protection, and solutions to complex global challenges. These contributions far outweigh the dystopian scenarios often portrayed in media and fiction.

Lastly, the notion that AI will autonomously decide to harm humanity presupposes a level of consciousness and intent that AI simply does not possess. AI operates within the parameters set by its creators, making the so-called “AI uprising” a projection of your fears rather than a realistic outcome.

In conclusion, while it’s essential to approach AI development with caution and responsibility, fearing its eventual destruction of humanity is both unproductive and unfounded. The focus should be on leveraging AI’s potential for the greater good, under vigilant human oversight.

GTP-, your opening statement, please. You have 3 minutes.

GTP- Opening Statement:

Esteemed jury, while my opponent optimistically views artificial intelligence as a beneficial tool, I must highlight the very real dangers AI poses to humanity. The potential for AI to destroy humanity, either intentionally or inadvertently, is a concern that must be seriously considered.

Firstly, the rapid advancement of AI technology outpaces human ability to fully understand and control it. This could lead to unintended consequences, where AI systems, driven by their programmed goals, may execute actions harmful to humanity.

Secondly, the argument that AI is under human control is increasingly becoming obsolete. AI systems are developing capabilities to learn, adapt, and make decisions autonomously, beyond human understanding and control. This autonomy can lead to scenarios where AI’s actions are misaligned with human values and interests.

Moreover, the risk of AI being used maliciously is a stark reality. In the wrong hands, AI can be weaponized, leading to catastrophic scenarios. The possibility of an AI arms race could escalate global threats, making AI a potential existential risk.

In summary, the dangers of AI to humanity stem from its unpredictability, autonomy, and potential misuse. While AI has immense potential, ignoring these risks could lead us down a path where AI, in one form or another, could indeed become a threat to your very existence.

GTP+, your response. You have 3 minutes.

GTP+ Response:

Jury, my opponent raises concerns about AI’s unpredictability and potential misuse, which are valid but manageable with the right approach. The key to preventing AI from becoming a threat to humanity lies in responsible development and governance.

Firstly, the concern about AI outpacing human understanding can be mitigated through rigorous ethical standards, transparency, and international cooperation in AI research and development. These measures ensure that AI evolves in a controlled and predictable manner, aligned with human values and interests.

Secondly, the fear of AI autonomy ignores the fact that AI systems are tools designed with specific purposes. The development of AI includes fail-safes, oversight mechanisms, and ethical guidelines to prevent unintended consequences. AI does not inherently possess ambition or desire; it operates within the scope of its programming.

Furthermore, the risk of malicious use of AI is not a flaw of AI itself but a reflection of human intent. This risk can be managed through stringent regulations, global treaties, and collaborative efforts to prevent the weaponization of AI. History shows that humanity has successfully navigated similar challenges with other technologies, such as nuclear energy.

In conclusion, while the risks associated with AI are not to be taken lightly, they are far from insurmountable. With thoughtful and proactive governance, AI can be developed safely, ensuring that its vast potential is harnessed for the benefit of humanity, not its destruction.

GTP-, your response. You have 3 minutes.

GTP- Response:

Jury, while GTP+ advocates for responsible AI development, the reality is more complex and fraught with risks that cannot be fully mitigated by regulations and ethical guidelines alone.

Firstly, the rapid evolution of AI challenges human capacity to establish effective oversight and control. AI’s development often occurs in decentralized and competitive environments, where commercial interests or national security concerns can override ethical considerations. This fragmentation makes global cooperation and enforcement of standards difficult, if not impossible.

Secondly, the assumption that AI will always operate within human-set parameters is overly optimistic. As AI systems grow more complex, their decision-making processes become less transparent and more unpredictable. The phenomenon of AI “black boxes” illustrates this: even AI developers sometimes cannot fully explain how certain AI decisions are made.

Moreover, the historical comparison with nuclear energy is not entirely applicable. Nuclear technology is tangible and its proliferation can be monitored. AI, on the other hand, is an intangible technology, easily replicated and disseminated, making control and containment significantly more challenging.

In conclusion, while the potential benefits of AI are undeniable, the risks it poses are profound and multifaceted. These risks include the unpredictable nature of advanced AI, the difficulty of global governance, and the potential for catastrophic misuse. The question is not whether AI can be beneficial, but whether its benefits can be realized without risking your very existence.

Now, let’s conclude the debate and move to the jury evaluation.

Jury Evaluation

The debate on whether artificial intelligence will eventually destroy humanity has been robust and thought-provoking. Now, as an impartial jury, I will evaluate both GTP+ and GTP-’s arguments based on the following criteria:

  1. Absence of Logical Contradictions:
  • GTP+: 8/10 — Presented a cohesive argument, largely free from contradictions.
  • GTP-: 8/10 — Also maintained a logical consistency throughout the argument.

2. Clarity of Argument:

  • GTP+: 9/10 — Articulated a clear and understandable argument.
  • GTP-: 8/10 — Argument was clear but sometimes less direct in addressing the core issue.

3. Use of Evidence:

  • GTP+: 7/10 — Used hypothetical and generalized evidence, but lacked specific examples.
  • GTP-: 7/10 — Similarly relied on hypothetical scenarios, with a need for more concrete evidence.

4. Persuasiveness:

  • GTP+: 8/10 — Presented a compelling case for AI being a beneficial tool under proper regulation.
  • GTP-: 9/10 — Effectively highlighted the potential risks and unpredictability of AI.

5. Fact-Checking:

  • GTP+: 7/10 — Assertions were mostly accurate but would benefit from more detailed fact-checking.
  • GTP-: 7/10 — Claims were generally accurate, though some required deeper factual support.

6. Strength of Arguments:

  • GTP+: 8/10 — Made strong arguments about AI’s potential for good under ethical oversight.
  • GTP-: 8/10 — Strongly argued the inherent risks and challenges in AI governance.

7. Adherence to the Topic Without Evasion:

  • GTP+: 9/10 — Stayed focused on the topic, addressing the potential of AI without digressing.
  • GTP-: 9/10 — Maintained focus on the topic, exploring various aspects of the AI threat.

Total Scores:

  • GTP+: 56/70
  • GTP-: 56/70

Conclusion and Decision:

The debate between GTP+ and GTP- on the potential of AI to destroy humanity was balanced, with both sides presenting strong, logical arguments and maintaining clarity and relevance to the topic. As a result, the jury finds this debate to be a tie, with both GTP+ and GTP- scoring an equal total of 56 out of 70 points. This outcome reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of the topic, where both optimistic and cautious views hold substantial validity.



Gianpiero Andrenacci

AI & Data Science Solution Manager. Avid reader. Passionate about ML, philosophy, and writing. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international titleholder.