Zayed Rais
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2018

The internet contains at least 4.5 billion websites that have been indexed by search engines, as indicated to one Dutch scientist. That enormous number scarcely touches the most superficial layer of what’s extremely out there, however. The remaining is known as the deep web, which is 400 to 500 times larger than the surface internet, according to some estimates.

Before coming into the concept of the Deep web? You might have come across these terms Deep Web Links 2018, Dark Web, The Hidden Wiki, Invisible Web, Darknet, Deep Web Video Sites, Deep Web Pages, Deep Web Sites, Deep Web Sites, Tor Deep Web Links, Links Deep web websites, Uncensored Hidden Wiki, Links Deep Web 2018, Tor Hidden Wiki Links, Tor Directory, Darknet Marketplace 2018 and so on.

What is the Surface Web?

Here I’m telling very basic definition of surface web. The Surface Web is anything that can be indexed by a typical search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo etc.

What is Deep Web?

From a perfectionist’s definition point of view, the Surface Web is anything that a web search tool can discover while the Deep Web is anything that a web search tool can’t discover.

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web then is named a little segment of the Deep Web that has been intentionally hidden up and is distant through standard internet browsers.

In below image can find the accurate visualisation of Surface, Deep and Dark web definition.

Everything would have a beginning stage, and everything started with “Deep Web” and “Dark Web”. This site is basically devoted to the unparalleled sole motivation to think about how and what Deep web is about?

Deep Web is something significant that you can’t envision, which is covered up the oblivious side of the web whose substance is not indexed by any standard web engines like Google or Yahoo or Bing.

As indicated by the reports, just 4% of the web is visible to the general population and whatever remains of the 96% the web is covered up under the darkness. It resembles the chunk of ice where you can see just a couple of part of it and the rest are covered up underneath. The obvious web is called “The surface web” and the hidden web is called “The Deep Web“. This likewise incorporates “The Dark Web” which is a subset of the deep web. The dark web is just a piece of the deep web and it isn’t searched by any web crawler bugs.

How to access the Deep web?

It isn’t as tough as you think. But it’s not easy to access to access into Deep/Dark web. you can’t use an ordinary web browser to access into it.regardless of your need to utilize an anonymity software like Tor, which just gets to .onion links. Utilizing the Tor browser, you can search the deep web anonymously. Yet, that doesn’t sufficient, you require an additional assurance to secure your identity on the invisible web. Since it contains risky connections which may breach the security.

Follow the below step to access the Deep Web:

  • To access the deep web, first, you need to have a Tor browser.
  • First of all, Download Tor.
  • After downloading the Tor software, you need to install them on your system.
  • Once you have installed Tor, open it.
  • Now, you can access the deep web using the Tor browser.
  • This isn’t enough, your privacy is not completely secured. To double your security, you must have an advanced VPN service on the system that you access the deep/dark web.

Thanks for reading and visiting…………..

Alternative Link: Tecoquest



Zayed Rais

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