The Win! NationBuilder Theme for Candidates

The Win! Theme for NationBuilder is an effective solutions for candidates who are looking to make the most of the digital organizing potential of NationBuilder. As part of the package, Tectonica customizes homepage and brand elements to match your campaign’s strategic needs and brand.

Tectonica Studios
Tectonica Blog
3 min readJul 27, 2018


Over the past few years, Tectonica has had the privilege of working on some amazing campaigns. We’ve done sites for Britain’s Labour Party, newly-elected London Mayor Sadiq Khan, French presidential candidate Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, and the Scottish National Party. We’re proud to say that we do big stuff. Our sites are beautiful, effective, and allow our clients to get important things done.

But these are just the ones that have worked out. Picture this: your dream candidate — who embodies everything you believe in politically — has their team contact you to run their campaign. For us political nerds, this is like having your favorite rock star call you out of the blue to ask you to swing by the studio and jam a little. That is, until you find out they have to have the site up in a week and have no budget because they haven’t started fundraising. [Sad trombone.]

This has happened more often than you’d think. Campaigns are frequently in a rush to jump-start their operations and thus start their fundraising efforts with a low budget. So, we at Tectonica put our heads together to come up with a model to meet the needs of any candidate: an exclusive NationBuilder theme for campaigns.

Here at Tectonica, we are no strangers to using NationBuilder themes as templates across a number of sites. A few years back, NationBuilder invited us to be the first outside group of architects to develop official, publicly-available NationBuilder themes. One of the most popular of these themes is Victory Again (formerly known as Victory), a theme designed for the needs of political candidates and advocacy groups. If you’re involved in political work, you have probably seen this theme used by many candidates’ campaigns. Victory Again is a wonderful theme. However, we wanted to design a strong, new theme that could be combined with our customization services. After all, no two campaigns are the same, and a personalized campaign is a winning campaign.

As a solution to these very problems, Tectonica is proud to introduce the Win! NationBuilder Theme for progressive political candidates in need of a high-quality and effective online presence this campaign season. The theme’s flexible layout offers a wide variety of diversity and customization between sites while maintaining a much lower cost than full custom theme builds. Though campaign websites are a short-term investment, they are incredibly valuable and crucial to a winning campaign. We developed the Win! Theme as a more affordable solution for campaigns that feel stuck between the options of forgoing a website or getting a poorly designed one. For a flat fee of just $3000, this theme serves as a customizable template for us to quickly create a beautiful and effective site to meet individual campaign needs. Higher levels of customization or functionality can be added for an additional cost. Time is of the essence in politics, and Tectonica can offer a quick turnaround to make the most of the short time before election day.

Well-run campaigns win elections, so a campaign site should be all about a candidate and their unique brand. With the Win! Theme, Tectonica will assess target voter demographics and candidate profiles in order to develop a brand specific to individual electoral races. Factors like the partisan breakdown of the electorate, average voter turnout, whether a campaign is taking a grassroots approach, and a candidate’s incumbency status will all affect the look, feel, functionality, and purpose of a campaign’s online presence. After determining each campaign’s digital needs, we will adjust the location of key site elements and build a sitemap in order to ensure voters, volunteers, donors, and press take the actions necessary on the website to maximize the campaign’s digital efforts.This personalization allows the site to showcase what makes each candidate unique, while also making it an effective way to communicate and engage with voters.

Made with NationBuilder and built by Tectonica, the Win! Theme can give your campaign the online presence you need to win your election. Learn more or view a demo!



Tectonica Studios
Tectonica Blog

We are a digital design and development studio dedicated to building stellar and engaging virtual spaces for politics, NGOs and nonprofits.