‘Don’t strive to be famous, strive to be talented’

TED talk by Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) of Game of Thrones- a takeaway

TED Takeaways


Maisie Williams ( Arya Stark)

Maisie stepped onto the stage in her cotton candy hair. I waited, not knowing what to expect from an actress who was a part of a show with 130 Emmy nominations.

Insight I gained from the 16-minute talk:

  1. Don’t strive to be famous. Strive to be talented. Become so capable and fantastic at what you do. The key to a magnetic personality is capability.
  2. RISK IT. Man, risk the hell out of your life. Totally. Just go for it. But not to a point where you know it’s just outright stupid, just for a few extra moments of pleasure.
  3. IMMEDIATELY stop doing something that does not make you more capable, even if it is going to school or educating yourself, doing anything. INVEST in your self and only do things that raise your level.
  4. “I was just too young and naive to feel inadequate.” She was too young to feel any FEAR. She was fearless, and most children are. The earlier you do something the better you do it.
  5. She taught us how to be unafraid, and to accept yourself. Being yourself fearlessly, even in uncomfortable, uncertain and new circumstances and situations.
    “I was cheeky, I was loud, I was angry, and for this I was perfect.”
  6. Invest in someone who has talent. Not someone who has already seen success and has had a taste of it, but someone who has the potential to do wonders. Someone, if given the right opportunity, will shake the world.
  7. Supporting each other is essential if you are in the creative field. No artist can succeed in isolation. “The key to success in the creative field is collaborating.”

These were the closing words of pink-haired Arya Stark and they left me feeling rather inspired.

Trust that you’re good enough. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that there truly is a place for everyone. Ask questions and laugh at the face of people who say they’re stupid questions. Be open to learning and admitting when you don’t know what the hell is going on. Refuse to hold yourself back and dare to dream big.”

