Run your own frontend

Teddy Cash
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2021

Who are Frontend Operators and What is a Kickback Rate?

If you’re an early user of Teddy Cash, have read the docs carefully, or even used Liquity before — you might have come across the term ‘Kickback Rate’.

Today, we’ll take a closer look at what a Kickback Rate actually is, what it means to run an alternative frontend, and its benefits.

As we know, interacting with contracts alone is inconvenient and often difficult. That’s the reason dapps provide interfaces. Even if we were to turn off our frontend, the contracts would still be around and running. But this would exclude quite a few users.

With Teddy Cash you can host secondary frontends to fall back on, should the main frontend experience a shutdown.

In DeFi open source plays a vital role in providing the necessary infrastructure for users to take control and encourage further decentralisation.

To be fair, if you know how to host a secondary frontend, the probability that you know how to interact with contracts is fairly high. So why would you do it?

Because the protocol pays you to do so!

This is where the Kickback Rate comes into play. The operator sets it in a range between 0% and 100%. When set to a high number it becomes especially attractive to users — because most of the rewards go to them and not the operator. Should you offer a good UX with possibly additional features and functionalities a lower Kickback Rate might be appropriate. For example, if the Kickback Rate is set to 70%, users who deposit into the stability pool via this frontend are earning 70% of the TEDDY rewards, while the rest goes to the operator.

The current frontend you are using has a 100% Kickback Rate, meaning all rewards are going to the user.

Learn more about running a frontend, or how you can integrate it into your own project, in our documents or visit us on Telegram or Discord.

About Teddy Cash

Teddy Cash is a completely decentralized borrowing protocol with interest-free loans, high capital efficiency, and a censorship-resistant stable coin (TSD or TEDDY Stable Dollar).



Teddy Cash

Teddy Cash is a completely decentralized borrowing protocol with interest-free loans.