Now You’re Playing With Power

How I found home networking nirvana with a powerline connection, a form of home networking that might be called poor man’s ethernet. No drilling involved.

Ernie Smith
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14 min readJun 3, 2020


Medium got a new newsletter feature this week and I’m testing it by sending out my most recent issue in this format. If you prefer the full-fat version of this article, you can find it here. Just testing!

Today in Tedium: Recently, I felt compelled to find a good way to upgrade my internet in my home, but I had a bit of a problem: my home is old, and that meant that trying to expand its ethernet cabling would have been a bit of a disaster. See, my desktop computer is on the second floor and my internet cabling is on the first floor, meaning that setting up ethernet would have either meant drilling or putting miles of cables around my home, and I’m not particularly handy. After looking through a few options, I stumbled upon a technology that I hadn’t thought about in a long time … and that proved my ultimate solution. Today’s Tedium is about powerline communications, along with other attempts at home networking using your existing wiring. It works better than you think these days. — Ernie @ Tedium

Side note: The world is screwed up right now and I feel like I need to take a moment to say



Ernie Smith

Editor of @readtedium, the dull side of the internet. You may know me from @ShortFormBlog. Subscribe to my thought machine: