My 2nd TEDx Talk is Live and it’s NOT about Detours…(or is it?)

Amy Oestreicher
TEDx Experience
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2017

My 2nd TEDx Talk is officially live! It’s about transforming trauma — or any adversity — into a warrior’s adventure through creativity, story, wonder, and a bit of the archetypal hero’s journey.

On February 25th, 2017, I gave my 2nd TEDx Talk on how I healed from trauma, through turning myself into Tigerlilly, the warrior, using my “Four Hard Core Skills to Resilience” that I created from my roadmap….the archetypal hero’s journey.

Creativity was a mindset that literally saved my life. REMEMBER…we’re all artists at heart!

I would love to hear from you.

What does creativity mean to you?

Is there a story you’ve read as a child that’s always stayed with you?

After watching my talk, what step are you in on the hero’s journey?

How can you use that pattern to tell you where you need to go next in your life?

I gave this TEDx Talk for VCU’s theme of PATTERNS. Is there a pattern that has guided you? What’s your favorite pattern?

Oh, and what’s one pattern we all have in our lives?


Through sharing our stories, we become empowered, inspired and more comfortable with our life circumstances, as well as with who we are. Telling our stories helps us process it — just like you learn something better yourself when you have to teach someone else. Through our shared experience, we gain confidence and become travel-partners on our detours. And traveling is always less scary when we’re not alone.

Even if you’re not ready to share your story, read a book. Hear the stories of others –courageous, adventure stories! We learn by example, so when that difficult detour surprises you, you’ll be able to pull those heroic stories out of your back pocket and follow your own hero’s journey.

Watch my first TEDx Talk on Detours here…

I’d love to hear from you all on the patterns in your own life — and the stories you’ve heard that stick with you today.

As an artist…I love patterns…

Remember — everyone has a story worth sharing. Even if for now, it’s one that’s been told to us.

They’re your secret weapon!

Don’t believe me? Watch the talk !

More art at

Safe travels, Detourists and Warriors!

Oestreicher is a multidisciplinary teaching artist, TEDx speaker,PTSD Specialist, author, actress and playwright. See more mixed media artwork, learn about her plays, or catch her touring Gutless & Grateful, her one-woman autobiographical musical. Download a free guide to getting a TEDx Talk at



Amy Oestreicher
TEDx Experience

PTSD specialist, artist, author of “My Beautiful Detour” TEDx Speaker, arts & health advocate, actress, playwright touring “Gutless&Grateful”