What makes a great TED Talk?

TEDx GujaratUniversity
TEDxGujaratUniversity Blog
1 min readMar 24, 2018

By Sanjana Parikh and Utsavi Patel

Along with our license for TEDxGujaratUniversity came this great video on what makes a great TED talk. It is by June Cohen, and she is as helpful as she is detailed in explaining what made the hits, well — hits. She also mentions the misses and gives the reasons why.

When we saw that, we had no doubt about our being good curators for our ideas and the ‘why’s and ‘who’s of them. If you have been a TEDx applicant, you’d know that it’s not that easy to get through.

Next, we showed the video to our would-be speakers. They watched the video, but said that it was too dense and long.

So, here it is — in an adapted form, to make it easier for the viewers.

We believe that the speakers and listeners of TEDx talks would appreciate this video alike.

Tell us what you think of it, and share it if you thought it is useful.


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