Why “नेतृत्व”

TEDx GujaratUniversity
TEDxGujaratUniversity Blog
4 min readMar 29, 2018

Namrata Sanchaniya
With Margie Parikh

Source: Unsplash

How we came up with our logo “Netrutva: An Eternal Journey” is a past story. Today I write about why — I have seen the whole build up from up close. Leadership is a concept I am unable to comment much on. After all, I have just started my life! I would hate to give my opinion on leadership if I am not going to do it full justice. I am no Chanakya or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. What I am trying to share here is my view on why ‘Netrutva’ became a part of our theme and logo.

Netrutva doesn’t mean fame! Nor is it about how popular you are! Netrutva doesn’t mean how much power you have! May be in the lingo of *popular* books, Netrutva is an art of influencing others. Leadership define on how many followers you have! But according to me, Netrutva starts at home when you influence yourself — when no one is following you. It is about how you carry yourself when there is no one for you. When circumstances, time, and destiny everything could line up against you and still you are confident to fight with all the things, backed by your convictions. Then you are on the way of Netrutva. If you have courage to digest your failure then you are on the path of Netrutva. In short, Netrutva starts with how much power and control you have on yourself — then you are a leader of yourself. How smoothly you handle the hardship of life — it’s all about leadership.

You don’t need millions of follower, just lead your self and be a leader.

Margie ma’am had suggested that it would be nice if we could think of some Sanskrit word in our theme title. Her ideas was that Sanskrit, our classical language, a ‘devvani’ (language of the Gods) could bring a throwback to the past and its legacy of leadership. Somewhere its connects with history. Sanskrit is like a bottomless ocean where every word can have multiple meanings and one meaning can be conveyed in myriad shades through many words. When I was thinking this, what flashed through my mind was…

Sambhvami Yuge Yuge!

These were the words of a great leader, Lord Krishna, in “Bhagvad Gita” in Chapter Four. These words are a promise, an assurance, that ‘I will be there in every age’. I said it out along with other suggestions from my side during the brainstorm. My intention was not to highlight the tales of incarnation, but that leaders are born in every age and time. In each and every phase of a single life, leaders get born afresh. Each and every individual who finds a path to survive in any situation, is a leaders!

But this was a full phrase in Sanskrit, a part of a verse. We were organizing an event that could have a worldwide audience, so we needed fusion of Sanskrit and English. The fusion also needed to be unique and understandable to everybody. So that option got filtered.

We also had a tilt towards a title which portrayed some kind of a flow, an unfolding which spanned the times from the Vedic to Virtuality (it was also a title suggestion from someone) but we did not wish to be limited to ‘virtuality’ because of its distinct connection to IT. We liked to portray virtuality as a modern phenomenon, but again, we could not connect it with leadership in a broader sense.

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत |
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥ ४-७ ॥
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्‌ ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥

After that, one participant suggested a word which he had conjoined using two words. His suggestion was “Sanskaromation” which he related to Sanskar (instilled values) + transformation.

Combination of sanskar and transformation is indeed a unique word, and after all, leadership is about transformation and values. It transforms with time. It demands and pushes for changes from one generation to another and that is why from Narendra Nath Datta (Swami Vivekanand) to Narendra Damodardas Modi there is huge difference between their own two versions. But then, in “sanskromation” people felt a bit of discomfort without being able to put their fingers to any specific point, I guess. So, it didn’t gather many votes. Time passed and after lots of suggestions, discussion, and more suggestions, we had still not come up with one title that got lots of votes.

Margie ma’am suggested that we should write our ideas on paper and we should discuss each chit of ideas it one by one. That would encourage silent members of our group.

I had not been a silent one, but in this round my word ‘Netrutva’ found a friendly fellow-phrase: ‘An Eternal Journey”.

Finally, we had our title to which all voted in unison.

The journey of our TEDx event title found a destination!!

That is our “Netrutva: An Eternal journey” … and of course, in a team!

Namrata Sanchaniya

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