One of our Teechers shares his advice about the resources you might be missing out on at University.

Teech Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2016

Most people think that university is about two things: doing well in your classes and graduating to get the job you want. But in Ben Warren’s mind, there’s much more to it than that. In the following points, one of our very own LSE B&M Teecher reminds you of all the stuff you shouldn’t miss out on.

  1. Your teachers — You probably think I’m not the brightest guy beginning this article with something so obvious. But it is in fact so obvious that most people completely underestimate the help a teacher in school can bring you. Most of your lecturers do other things in their lives, have other jobs and good address books. So work hard, stand out, and they’ll be happy to introduce you to their contacts, or provide you valuable career advice if you ask nicely.

2. Your friends — in a similar fashion to why you shouldn’t see your teachers as “just” teachers, your friends are more than that too. Share your ideas with them, ask them for advice, and if you’re starting an out of school project or business, they’ll be the easiest pool of people to hire from. The best part? You can pick them by skills based on the courses they take!

3. Your university — I mean this in a physical sense. Your university is probably full of empty classrooms that aren’t in use at all times. Use them, start a club, have meetings there. Most universities are quite open with letting students use the empty classrooms.

4. Your classes — This is an obvious one, but just like your teachers, your course is only as good as the work you do for it. If you take it seriously and put in the time, you’ll see the results, and that’s what a lot of people who only show up for tutorials and exam are missing: there is no reason for you to fail and not make the best of your time at university if you attend your classes, work hard, and concentrate

5. Your free time — the notion of free time is tricky because it’s somewhat contradictory. Most people see free time as time that isn’t spent on their main activity. For you, the readers, this is probably the spent not working on stuff relating to university. So why start your own project of business on the side? If you look close enough, you have all the infrastructure you need to do it right in the microcosm of university life.

And if you read this thinking “yes that all sounds great but I’m still so confused by my triple E finals”, do not worry. There is definitely a Teecher on our brand new app who had the exact same issue as you did in your exact class, and who’s ready to help.

