Behind the Experience: Product Manager at Teem

Dal Adamson gives us a glimpse into the life of a Product Manager—from the crux of the role, his unexpected desk accessories, to real-talk about coping with an open office.

Rob Zimmerman
WX Weekly
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


In this edition of BTX, we sat down with Dal Adamson of Teem to learn more about the role of a Product Manager in the modern workplace. Watch the video to find out how Dal finds places to focus in a position centered on endless collaboration.

What We Learned

About the Product Manager Role

Dal highlighted three vital functions for Product Managers. First, shaping and evangelizing the product strategy, while ensuring that strategy aligns with the company’s overarching vision and strategy. Second, researching and scoping the product. Doing so entails talking with customers, i.e., users, to understand how the Product team can technically make a solution work. Third and finally, the role centers on coordinating execution between Engineer and Product teams while communicating timelines.

About Coping with an Open Office

The coping strategy Dal uses in his open office environment isn’t novel, but how he reinforces his “focus time” is something from which we can all learn. When he needs to go heads-down, Dal puts on his headphones and cranks up the music. But, as we all know, headphones don’t always stop coworkers from shoulder-tapping. That’s when Dal admits that you have to get comfortable with saying, “I’m sorry, I have to focus on something else right now.”

About Unexpected Tools

In a role centered on collaboration, it’s not surprising that Slack is Dal’s most-used communication tool. Video conferencing solutions and meeting technology are also critical. Perhaps the most unexpected tool Dal uses is the whiteboard affixed to his desk. As a Product Manager, Dal is regularly meeting one-on-one with the UX designer. With markers in-hand, Dal and the designer will whiteboard out solutions and ideas. It’s also critical for the data-minded Dal to communicate data visualizations as he has pictured in his head.

About Hide-and-Seek

When Dal isn’t at his desk, he’s likely set up shop somewhere else in the office where people don’t expect him to be. Part hide-and-seek, part activity-based working, Dal admits that his nomadic work style does wonders to minimize any shoulder-tapping that might otherwise hinder his productivity.

About the Lure of the Library

Compared to a house filled with four kids, an open office is a tame alternative — which makes working from home nearly impossible for Dal. His solution? He heads to the library for some much-needed peace.

BTX: The Series

We hope you enjoyed the latest installment of our Behind the Experience (BTX) series. Check out more BTX videos below, where we take you inside the companies on the forefront of Workplace Experience to uncover the people and places powering their greatness.

