Make ACA Reporting Smoother With The Right Technology Partner!

TeemWurk Inc
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2016

The whole concept of ACA compliance and managing employee benefits offers too many complexities for business of all sizes and types. With the ACA reporting in its first year, these complexities are gaining heights and trouble for employers and everyone else involved heightens. This has resulted in a market flood with an array of ACA reporting software solutions.

However, having a technology by your side is a good idea but having the “right one” is more important. You certainly don’t want to end up with a wrong technology.

TeemWurk is a smart and an all-round solution for successfully complying with Affordable Care Act Reporting regulations and keep you on-track at all times. Take a look on how it will make your ACA reporting extremely seamless.

#1 Adhere to Latest ACA Provisions & Mandates

In an ever-changing and ever-evolving ACA environment, it’s extremely important that your provider always remain updated. For instance, the sudden shift in the ACA reporting deadlines or increased penalties, etc. Therefore, it is required to ensure that your reporting absolutely aligns with what is mandated and you never fall prey to the penalties enforced.

Why TeemWurk?

With TeemWurk as your partner, you’re always on the latest version. No need to worry about manually updating the software; the backend support team is always there to update the system when any new update arrives.

#2 Cater all ACA Reporting Requirements

The pre-requisites of ACA reporting are also a big deal and often daunting for many employers. The regulations require the business owners to track employee working hours and maintain the data for a considerable amount of time for the purpose of checking employee and employer eligibility; disburse reporting forms, re-collect them and furnish the completed forms to IRS as well as individuals.

Why TeemWurk?

TeemWurk is specially built while keeping all ACA considerations in mind. With the system, one can easily track employee working hours based on the number of hours worked; also the eligibility calculations and subsequent benefits offerings are completed automatically. Additionally, the data is securely stored and maintained for future auditing purpose.

#3 Reduced Risks with Effective Risk Mitigation & Error Handling

Any kind of errors in data or the calculation might lead the employer into facing serious consequences. The risks also gain a potential increase due to the complexities involved in fulfilling various pre-requisites and calculating the eligibility conditions.

Why TeemWurk?

With the built-in intelligent algorithms, TeemWurk ensure that the data is formatted correctly and all the calculations are done precisely. The solution also helps you to adhere to the guidelines, eliminate errors or any invalid codes through automated data entry and avoid hefty penalties entailed with mistakes and non-compliance.

#4 Puts Data Security on Top

The top-most concern for any employer with a third-party solution is the security of their employee data. Nobody can afford to compromise with information of such importance.

Why TeemWurk?

By partnering with TeemWurk, employers need not care about their data security at all. With highly advanced algorithms and all security measure taken in advance, the solution puts client data security on top of everything else.

#5 Makes Reporting Easy & Painless

There’s no doubt that ACA compliance is complex, thus getting a solution that reduces the complexities and headaches is the first need for any employer. With such a provider as partner one can feel confident about the entire reporting process, minus the complexities.

Why TeemWurk?

TeemWurk offers its clients an effortless reporting process with a completely interactive and intuitive interface. Additionally, it comes with an all-round customer support to guide the users at any point of time.

Having a right technology partner like TeemWurk will not only help you fulfill all ACA reporting requirements effectively but also make you confident about successful compliance with all the mandates without any errors.

Get in touch with us to know more about the exceptional benefits and features TeemWurk brings with it.

Leave ACA to the experts — contact TeemWurk today.



TeemWurk Inc

Accomplish — A Modern, Unified HCM Platform with HR, Payroll, Benefits and Compliance Tools.