Why Updating HRIS Could Be Your Smartest Investment?

Doug Grover
TeemWurk Inc
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2016


According to recent studies, more than 80% of the companies are still using outdated or inefficient HR technologies. And to complete and organize their daily HR tasks and activities, many prefer using multiple HR tools, which is an entangled approach, and hinders efficiency.

To keep up with the pace of today’s fast track competition, you have to continuously evolve with the technology, and HR is no exception in this regard. And if you are still dealing with obsolete HRIS, then you are hampering your workplace productivity, and stopping yourself from reaching the pinnacle. Keeping your HR system efficient is very important for your existing employees as well as for the new recruits. Therefore, it is highly advisable to have an integrated Human Resource Management System that will bring all your HR tasks on a single HR platform

Here are the few reasons that completely justify the above lines:

Technology Is Getting Compact

In a recent study, it has been found that about 70% of the job aspirants use their smartphones to apply for the jobs. Having an HR application will certainly help candidates to reach you more easily. And not only the new talent, your current employees will also reap the benefits of the same by accessing their information on their mobile devices easily. This will enhance the communication and participation of both-company as well as employee.

Proven “Superlative Results”

8 out of 10 organizations that restructured their HR systems, and implemented the latest trends and technologies in their HR processes, have reported that the output has surpassed their expectations, and the investment was a worth. They are getting higher ROI and benefits in terms of increased efficiency and clarity in their HR processes.

Gain Competitive Edge

It has been found that at the present scenario; only 13% of the organizations have single HRMS in place! Hence, a lot of scope to gain a competitive edge. By implementing the latest HR software, you can have an upper hand over your competitors who are still oblivion or haven’t thought about the same.

The HR market is coming with tremendous amount of innovations, and there is a big need to stay aware of these changes. Though, it may seem little expensive and vague at first, but in the long run, it will help you in a big way. Since the world is becoming more and more adaptable to latest tools and technologies, there is a big need for the HR applications to work, having proper data integration in place, and getting proper insights about the people. And the above reasons clearly strengthen this fact.



Doug Grover
TeemWurk Inc

Manager, Business Relationship at TeemWurk. Fully integrated solution for managing Employee Benefits, Payroll & HR Process in a Single Platform.