3 Steps to Overcoming Failure

Saniya & Simran
Teen Lounge
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2022

By: Aadi

Failure happens to the best of us no matter who we are, but the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people learn from their failures and build on it, while unsuccessful people wallow in their misery.

Let’s use the example of getting a bad score on a math test. Instead of wallowing in your grief and being consumed by emotions you should let it go and move on. In fact you should use that as a fuel to motivate yourself to do better.

The next step is to analyze and go over what went wrong. This can involve making a list or writing a journal entry in which you review your own actions as well as come up with a future game-plan, in which you learn from your mistakes. This also could prevent you from making the same mistake again in the future.

The last step and perhaps the most important step in overcoming failure, is never giving up. Keep on trying no matter what. Remember success doesn’t come to people who give up. Remember to stay persistent and positive things will happen.

To sum it up, success doesn’t come to people randomly, it comes to people who use every opportunity to learn how to better themselves.

