Becoming More Self-Aware

Saniya & Simran
Teen Lounge
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2021

By: Simran

What is self-awareness?

Self-awareness is understanding how one feels and behaves. Self-awareness is absolutely essential to improve. It is what allows us to recognize our strengths and our weaknesses. This enables us to increase our productivity.

1. Meditation

Meditation allows you to focus your mind and concentrate on breathing. Every time your thoughts wander away, try to bring your concentration back onto your breathing. It is difficult but by practicing constantly, you will soon notice your progress. Meditation allows you to be aware of your thoughts.

2. Reflection

  1. Every few weeks, spend around 15 minutes reflecting on where you are right now. Some questions to be thought about: What am I looking forward to? What are my current goals? What are some obstacles that I am facing? It is often helpful to write your reflections onto a journal, so you can see how you have progressed.
  2. Reflecting shouldn’t be done every few weeks. It can also be smaller exercises every day. You can reflect on what you have accomplished today, what are your future plans you can accomplish, and if you didn’t accomplish a task that you wanted, why couldn’t you, and how will you plan around these things next time. I do these reflections before sleeping, but it can be done at any other time of the day. For instance, you could do it in the morning and reflect about the previous day, which also allows you to plan for what you want to do the same day.

3. Asking for Feedback

Asking for feedback is incredibly useful. Oftentimes, we don’t notice things because we are too close to it. Receiving others’ feedback allows us to consider things we may have not concerned about. However, receiving others’ feedback is not enough. It is also important to learn from the feedback that we have received. Make it a point to thoroughly consider others’ feedback and learn and adjust your behavior accordingly.

Hopefully, these tips help you in learning how to make a better you.

