Living Life with Focus

Saniya & Simran
Teen Lounge
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

All of us have 24-hour days. But what makes some people so successful and productive in their days compared to others?

By: Simran

The difference is that some people are more productive because they are more concentrated on their work. Remember, focus is the driving force behind all our actions. It is something we all strive for. However, trying to work with a focused mind is oftentimes difficult with the many other factors at play. So how can we actually practice it? Here are some easy tips to have better concentration.

  1. No Distractions

Getting rid of distractions allows you to be more focused and have more attention on the task you are doing. Some ways to eliminate possible distractions could be having a clean workspace, moving to a quiet area to work, reducing noise by closing the door to the room, and turning off notifications on an electronic device. Another idea to consider is downloading an app that allows you to block apps like Facebook on your electronic device for a specific amount of time.

2. Make a Schedule

Create a list of all the work you need to accomplish that day. If possible, also set a time of when you want to complete each task. By creating a schedule, you set a deadline for yourself. I find that this often helps me complete my tasks faster because instead of procrastinating the task, I find myself finishing it to meet the deadline

3. Take quick breaks

Doing work continuously for a long period of time can be exhausting. It is important to take quick breaks between to relax. One way to do this is to set a timer and work continuously that entire period of time. Then, take a quick break. I usually set a time of forty-five minutes to work, and then I take a ten-minute break between.

4. Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential to work. Sleep has been proven to increase productivity, exercise performance, and memory. Although it seems that staying up at night thirty more minutes to finish more work won’t make that big a difference, remember that getting enough sleep will help you the next day in completing work.

