Discovering Our Divine Worth: Treasured by God

Foursquare Jebako
Teens Corner FGC Jebako
2 min readJul 25, 2023

Written by: Ayomide Ogunsanya

Teens week 2023 flyer


Every human is created in God’s image (Imago Dei), which highlights the divine nature within each individual and emphasizes their inherent worth. This truth remains constant despite external circumstances and personal challenges. Embracing this concept can bring about a transformative change in how we view ourselves and others.

1. The Source of Inherent Worth:

We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God (Psalm 139:14). Our worth is not determined by external factors, but by our Creator’s design. Understanding that we are crafted with divine intention instills a sense of purpose and significance in our existence. Embracing our identity as God’s handiwork allows us to let go of comparisons and self-doubt, freeing us to live authentically.

2. Experiencing God’s Unconditional Love:

God’s love for us knows no bounds. The story of Ruth exemplifies this truth as she experienced God’s providence and favor. Despite her status as a foreigner, Ruth’s loyalty and faithfulness to God and her family earned her a treasured place in the divine plan. By accepting God’s love, we break free from the chains of unworthiness, knowing that we are deeply cherished despite our flaws. Through prayer, meditation, and contemplation of God’s Word, we can experience the depth of His love, empowering us to love ourselves and others unconditionally.

3. Navigating Challenges with God’s Presence:

Life is full of ups and downs, but we need not journey alone. The life of King David serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness and constant presence. Despite facing trials and tribulations, David found solace in knowing that he was treasured by God. Embracing this truth gives us the courage to face challenges with confidence, knowing that we are never alone in our struggles.


Embracing our identity as God’s treasured transforms our lives from the inside out. By recognizing our inherent worth, experiencing God’s unconditional love, and walking in our unique purpose, we embark on a journey of empowerment, joy, and spiritual growth. Let us remember that we are each treasured by God, loved beyond measure, and destined for a purposeful life. As we live in the truth of our divine identity, we become beacons of hope, inspiring others to embrace their treasured status and walk confidently in the light of God’s love.

