How Fun It Is To Be A Teenager

Jenell Inthavong
Teens in the 21st Century
5 min readFeb 23, 2019

Written by Riley Ervin.

You always hear adults talk about how high school was the best time of their lives. They talk about the parties they went to, and how they got grounded the next day cause they snuck out to go to that party. Being in high school now is much more stressful but still just as fun, only in different ways. Majority of teenagers complain about how school is hard, saying that they’re always having friend drama and they can’t seem to get enough sleep. The truth is that being a teenager isn’t all that bad. Yes, it has its moments but the good always outweighs the bad. Your teenage years can be the best and most fun years of your life if you choose to make them that way.

The majority of teenage years take place in high school. In school you get to meet a lot of new people who can turn out to be really close friends. You really get to know who is a true friend and who is not. Most of the time you have classes and none of them have all the same people in them so it is very easy to meet new people. As a teenager you don’t really do anything besides go to school, hang out with your friends, maybe sports or another activity, and sleep. Hanging out with your best friends is one of the really fun parts about it all. You find new close friends and your already close friends become even closer. Summer vacation is the best part of the year for the majority of teens. All you need to do is sleep, get a summer job and stay out of trouble. You don’t have to worry about school for two and a half months. The weather is good, you spend all of your time with your friends and family, and most families take at least one trip over summer break. Going on summer break can be really exciting, especially because it is warm and all of the pools are open. Then there is the exciting fireworks on the fourth of July. The fun never ends.

Another really great thing about being a teenager is all of the freedom you get. Besides school and some parents want their teenager to have a job, but other than that teenagers basically do whatever they want as long as they stay out of trouble. Even in school you get to pick what classes you take, who you sit by in most classes, where you want to eat lunch. Outside of school teens get a lot of freedom, you don’t have to pay for your food or clothes, parents usually pay for their kids things until they’re in college and have to live on their own. One of the most important things about having some freedom as a teenager is having a driver’s license. When you get your license you can drive wherever you want. Before you could drive you would have to rely on other people to take you where you want to go… whether that be an older sibling, your parents, or a friends parents. Sometimes you would have to miss out on opportunities because you couldn’t find a ride there or home. When you get a license you don’t have to miss out you because you will be able to drive yourself to the movies, to hang out with friends, to school sports games and other fun stuff.

When you’re a teenager you also get so many opportunities to try new things. At school there are countless clubs for you to join and so many classes that you can try out. You can try a drawing/art club, spanish club, you can take the history of film class, theatre, choir and more. You can also try out for any of the sports that you’re interested in as well. It is kind of hard to push yourself to try something new, but it could help you find out what you like to do. One of the many things that you get to experience while you’re a teenager is school dances. School dances are always a blast. You can go with your friends or you can go with a date. The most fun thing about school dances are just being with your friends and having a good time. Some school dances can be kind of boring but you can always leave and hang out at a friends house afterwards. Most people enjoy school dances because they have an excuse to dress up and look nice.

One of the most important things you learn as a teenager is where you fit in. Coming from middle school and not knowing all of the people in your grade suddenly can be hard. You might not know anybody in your classes but that is the perfect time to branch out and make new friends. You might not fit in with the first group of people you meet, and it’s going to take a lot of effort before you find out where you really fit in and are accepted. Especially freshman year, you will have friends from your old school and still hang out with them and eat lunch with them. Eventually all of your old friends will start to make new friends as well. School is so much more tolerable when you have friends in all your classes. It is really important to find where you fit in especially if you are going to a different school than most of your friends from your middle school. When you find out where you fit in and who your real friends are you make more memories. When you’re an adult you’ll never forget when you were a teenager, you will always think about the memories you made with the people who matter to you the most. While you’re a teen you should have as much fun while you still can.

Being a teenager is really hard at times, you have too much homework, and you can’t wait for summer vacation. Focus on the people and things that make you happy, being a teenager isn’t all that bad. Try your best to enjoy the time you have while you still have it. Make the best memories now because you will never get a chance to do it again. Cherish those moments forever.

