My favorite YouTube Channels for Game Developers

Game Development Diary
3 min readJul 4, 2024

I’ve mentioned in the past that YouTube is my favorite source of knowledge for learning how to develop video games. Anything you want to learn concerning game development probably has a YouTube video on it. I recommend practically never paying for online courses on learning how to use game engines, code or use other software, because unless a feedback system is included in the course, you are probably going to find a very comparable course for free on YouTube. At least try to find one first.

For this list, I’m sticking to channels that have more general information on game development instead of very specific tutorials, since I want these to be valuable to as many people as possible.

Design Doc

Design Doc creates amazing, concise videos that focus on one specific subject. You can peruse the videos and pick whatever stands out to you, but honestly all of them are stocked with useful information that I think game designers can get something out of.


Attending GDC? Expensive. Luckily, the GDC YouTube channel posts a ton of talks with game development professionals to save you a few hundred bucks and a trip to San Francisco. Its like TedTalks, but about creating video games.

Daryl Talks Games

Ok, he doesn’t really talk about MAKING them. But he talks about what makes them magic. He has seriously in dept videos that I believe anyone that loves games with love. He’s someone who genuinely can make my day with his posts.

Adam Millard — The Architect of Games

Somewhere between Design Doc and Daryl Talks Games. His videos aren’t as general as Design Docs, but they are still about making video games. They are just more specific topics concerning game design that are super well researched.

This article is a part of an ongoing project of daily video game mini essays. If you like the idea of getting these mini essays dropped directly into your inbox, I am cross-posting on Substack. You can subscribe here for free:

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Game Development Diary

Moonlight game developer focused on writing and narrative design. Writing about my experiences and what I've learned.