【Quant】TQuant Lab Aroon Up Down Trading Strategy

Deploy Aroon Up Down trading strategy on TQuant Lab.

Photo by Vlad Zaytsev on Unsplash


  • Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
  • Using Aroon-up、Arron-down as indicators to trigger the action of buy and sell.
  • This article is revised from Aroon Up Down Strategy via TQuant Lab.


Aroon Indicator, developed by Tushar Chande in 1995, is typically for measuring market tendency. It consists of two lines — Aroon Up and Aroon Down.

  • Aroon Up:((Number of periods — Number of periods since highest high) / Number of periods) * 100
    This indicator measures the periods since the highest price (high point) occurred within the selected period.
  • Aroon Down:((Number of periods — Number of periods since lowest low) / Number of periods) * 100
    This indicator measures the periods since the lowest price (low point) occurred within the selected period.

The Aroon Up indicator measures the strength and time since the highest price within a given period (usually 25 periods). In contrast, the Aroon Down indicator measures the strength and time since the lowest price within the same period. These indicators are expressed as percentages and range from 0% to 100%.

The crossover of the Aroon Up and Aroon Down lines can be used to signal potential changes in trend direction. For example, when Aroon Up crosses above Aroon Down, it might be seen as a bullish signal, indicating a potential shift towards an upward trend. Conversely, when Aroon Down crosses above Aroon Up, it could be interpreted as a bearish signal, suggesting a potential shift towards a downward trend.

Aroon Up Down Trading Strategy

When Aroon Up is greater than 80 and Aroon Down is lesser than 45, which represents a bullish trend. We consider it a buying signal and will acquire one unit at tomorrow’s opening price.

When Aroon Up is lesser than 45, Aroon Down is greater than 55, and the gap of two indicators is greater than 15, we regard it as a selling signal and sell the holding position at tomorrow’s opening price.

When Aroon Up is greater than 55, Aroon Down is lesser 45, the gap between the two indicators is greater than 15, our invested amount isn’t greater than 20% principal, and we still have plentiful cash. We will acquire one more unit at tomorrow’s opening price.

Programming environment and Module required

MacOS and Jupyter Notebook is used as editor

Data and Module Import

The back testing time period is between 2018/01/01 to 2020/12/31, and we take Hon Hai Precision Industry(2317), Compal Electronics(2324), Yageo Corporation(2327), TSMC(2330), Synnex(2347), Acer(2353), FTC(2354), ASUS(2357)、Realtek(2379), Quanta(2382), and Advantech(2395) to construct the portfolio and compare the performance of portfolio with the benchmark—— Total. Return Index(IR0001), .

import os 
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tejapi
os.environ['TEJAPI_KEY'] = 'Your key'
os.environ['mdate'] = '20180101 20201231'
os.environ['ticker'] = 'IR0001 2317 2324 2327 2330 2347 2353 2354 2357 2379 2382 2395'
!zipline ingest -b tquant
from zipline.api import set_slippage, set_commission, set_benchmark, attach_pipeline, order, order_target, symbol, pipeline_output, record
from zipline.finance import commission, slippage
from zipline.data import bundles
from zipline import run_algorithm
from zipline.pipeline import Pipeline, CustomFactor
from zipline.pipeline.filters import StaticAssets, StaticSids
from zipline.pipeline.factors import BollingerBands, Aroon
from zipline.pipeline.data import EquityPricing
from zipline.pipeline.mixins import LatestMixin
from zipline.master import run_pipeline

Setting Benchmark

First, We load the bundle which we just ingest above, and set return index(coid : IR0001) as benchmark.

bundle = bundles.load('tquant')
ir0001_asset = bundle.asset_finder.lookup_symbol('IR0001',as_of_date = None)

Create Pipeline function

Pipeline() enables users to quickly process multiple assets’ trading-related data. In today’s article, we use it to process:

  • The calculation of Aroon-up, Aroon-down (built-in factor:Aroon)
def make_pipeline():
curr_price = EquityPricing.close.latest

alroon = Aroon(inputs = [EquityPricing.low, EquityPricing.high], window_length=25, mask = curr_price < 5000)
up, down = alroon.up, alroon.down
return Pipeline(
columns = {
'up': up,
'down': down,
'curr_price': curr_price,
screen = ~StaticAssets([ir0001_asset])

Creating Initialize Function

inintialize enables users to set up the trading environment at the beginning of the back test period. In this article, we set up:

  • Slippage
  • Commission
  • Set the return index as the benchmark.
  • Attach Pipline() function into back testing.
def initialize(context):
attach_pipeline(make_pipeline(), 'mystrategy')

Creating handle_date Function

handle_data is used to process data and make orders daily.

Default trading signals buy, sellare False

  • buy: When today’s indicators matches the buy-in condition, generates buying signal and toggles the boolean value to True
  • sell: When today’s indicators matches the sell-out condition, generates selling signal and toggles the boolean value to True
def handle_data(context, data):
out_dir = pipeline_output('mystrategy')
for i in out_dir.index:
sym = i.symbol # 標的代碼
up = out_dir.loc[i, 'up']
down = out_dir.loc[i, 'down']
curr_price = out_dir.loc[i, 'curr_price']
cash_position = context.portfolio.cash
stock_position = context.portfolio.positions[i].amount
buy, sell = False, False
if stock_position == 0:
if down < 45 and up > 80:
order(i, 1000)
context.last_signal_price = curr_price
buy = True
elif stock_position > 0:
if (up - down) > 15 and (down < 45) and (up > 55) and (cash_position >= curr_price * 1000):
order(i, 1000)
context.last_signal_price = curr_price
buy = True
#globals()[f'buy_{sym}'] = buy
elif (down - up > 15) and (down > 55) and (up < 45):
order_target(i, 0)
context.last_signal_price = 0
sell = True

Creating Analyze Function

analyzefunction is mostly used to visualize the result of backtesting. Since today’s practice will use pyfolio to achieve visualization, we just leave it empty.

def analyze(context, perf):

Run Algorithms

We expliot run_algorithm() to execute our strategy. The backtesting time period is set between 2018-01-01 to 2020–12–31. The data bundle we use is tquant. We assume the initial capital base is 1,000,000. The output of run_algorithm(), which is results, contains information on daily performance and trading receipts.

results = run_algorithm(
start = pd.Timestamp('2018-01-01', tz='UTC'),
end = pd.Timestamp('2020-12-31', tz ='UTC'),
handle_data = handle_data
Transactions record


Before process visualization, we need to seperate the data of results to three part:

  • returns
  • positions
  • transactions
from pyfolio.utils import extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline
returns, positions, transactions = extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline(results)
# 時區標準化
returns.index = returns.index.tz_localize(None).tz_localize('UTC')
positions.index = positions.index.tz_localize(None).tz_localize('UTC')
transactions.index = transactions.index.tz_localize(None).tz_localize('UTC')
benchmark_rets.index = benchmark_rets.index.tz_localize(None).tz_localize('UTC')

Lastly, pyfolio.tears.create_full_tear_sheet can generate multiple tables and charts to help you evaluate the portfolio’s performance.


Source Code


Today’s practice uses TQuant Lab to deploy the Aroon Up Down trading strategy. With the engagement of TQuant Lab, the difficulty and complexity of the program have significantly reduced. TQuant Lab provides more detailed parameters and indicators for users to create a meticulous trading strategy.

Last but not least, please note that “Stocks this article mentions are just for the discussion, please do not consider it to be any recommendations or suggestions for investment or products.” Hence, if you are interested in issues like Creating Trading Strategy , Performance Backtesting , Evidence-based research , welcome to purchase the plans offered in TEJ E Shop and use the well-complete database to create your own optimal trading strategy.

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