SEO for CEO — A Definitive Guide for Executives

Jaydip Parikh
Published in
6 min readAug 28, 2019

Today every business thrives on online platforms, as it is the most easier and impactful way of reaching to a wider gamut of audiences. This factor has led to a bunch of competitors present on this platform, making it difficult to make your presence felt.

It has become a common practice of checking an organization’s presence on an online platform before initiating any further queries or business with them for a better understanding of what they do and their capabilities.

SEO for SEO, Key things CEO should know about SEO

Even when you have an amazing website with a legible content, but still you will have to work towards getting it noticed and acquiring some action on it and for this, there is a need for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

It is one of the most essential factors behind a successful business. Many small organizations CEO understand its importance but don’t know how can it work wonders for them and have no idea regarding the level of commitment for the same.

Someone who has worked in the domain of SEO might know that it is an apt marketing channel which will convert into rapid ROI that can be talked about. Convincing someone about this is a huge task altogether, but it can be simplified by picking some points and explaining them in a simple manner for a clear understanding that might bring some much-needed difference.

There are various areas where SEO works best. Here we bring you a list, that might give a little boost to your marketing channels.

Elevated Sales

When you optimize some specific keywords, it will result in higher rankings and will also provide more significant traffic that will also convert. The traffic obtained here is not limited to just looking at your website; in fact, it will also buy the products or services. Higher rankings will usher more traffic, which eventually means exceptional sales.

Greater Rankings

If your company’s SEO strategies are on point, then there might be a possibility of higher rankings on Google. When there is a rise in the ranking, there will be an addition to the traffic on your website.

Long-term ROI

There are several benefits that a PPC campaign or traditional marketing channel might not achieve, which can be attained by SEO. It is also suitable for long-term strategies, with the passage of time you’ll be able to see progress.


One of the biggest edges that you get on choosing SEO is the feature of being able to measure each element of the whole process. It offers a lot of data and statistical information that will make it easier to analyze and help in adjusting your online campaigns resulting in optimization of efforts. This factor will ultimately lead to greater ROI and increase sales.

These working areas of SEO will definitely help your business to grow and reach greater heights of success.

SEO Points for CEO

There are some key points that the CEO should understand about SEO for better working in an organization. Here we bring you a list of significant insights on SEO.

Timings & Results

SEO is not something that will provide instant results when compared to paid searches. It is more of a long-term phenomenon and demands a lot of hard work and time for fruitful results in the form of rankings moving up.

It needs an update of the Search Engine Algorithm and Competitor for making a moving target that requires time and continuous regulation for positive outcomes.

Understanding the Terminology

There might have been instances when you’re talking about some topic really passionately but the other person listening, seems lost because they hardly understand what you’re talking about. The major reason behind such a situation is the use of jargon, every field of work has its jargon that might be difficult for others to comprehend and SEO is no different to it.

While making your audience familiar with SEO, always start with the basics and clarify each term for better and clear understanding, even if it is time-consuming.

While talking about SEO, one of the first things that are mentioned is Meta Tags. It is of utmost importance to optimize the title and meta description tag for your site, but alone, this will not work as there are several other aspects of SEO.

The Search Engine Result Page (SERP) provides a standard layout that has distinct variations, including the “10 blue links” for organic results and ads added on the side and above.

You can also check the various layout that is meant for providing an optimal experience on several devices like Cell Phone, Laptop, and Desktops of any sizes respectively. To understand SERP, it is favourable to know about what is paid and organic. Also focusing on the sources that bring various items like images, news, videos, local listing, and Shopping ads.

If you are working on rankings, always focus on getting higher rankings for brand terms. It will rank well for searches if the brand name is unique enough to create curiosity.

While looking at organic search rankings and traffic reporting, always remember to differentiate between the brand and generic performance. For maintaining the clarity about the effects of SEO versus diluting it. You can create different reporting formats of the brand and generic.

If you have provided sufficient time and hard work on SEO and still not getting the desired results for the brand term, then it must be time for having a look at the strategy.

Quality Content has been the talk of the town for a long time, but what Quality Content is actually? The term quality refers to web pages having images, copy, videos, and interactive elements for engaging audiences.

While content is something that drives social media shares, mentions, and clicks. It acts as a tool for higher pages per visit and longer time on the page. Most importantly, it provides value to the audiences, and in return, they share it, link it, and engage further.

Making quality content is a task altogether for competing in this ever-evolving competitive marketplace.

SEO is a long-term process and not a one-time thing. It can be thought of as a constant trial that doesn’t have any particular formula to succeed.

One of the essential factors for standing out in quality and authority when compared to competitors is Optimization. Always getting updates and working on tactical items for a while will eventually lead to long-term success.

It is a difficult task to create yourself credible enough for everyone to listen to you. Further, you will have to act as a leader and initiate by writing articles on behalf of your company. Answering questions posted by customers, and providing guidelines such as ‘How-to.’

People hardly believe in SEO and its effects because it takes a lot of time in providing the desired results. This is the prime reason why SEO is not picked by the CEO. But one has to keep the bigger picture in mind and choose it for better outcomes.

Wrapping Up

We hope that these insights on SEO might help you in taking decisions as CEO for the betterment and success of your organization by incorporating the element of SEO to it.

Originally published at on August 28, 2019.



Jaydip Parikh

Digital Marketing BABA, Digital Marketing Speaker, CEO , CoFounder #SEOTalk. Hubby, Daddy, Proudly #Indian,