MongoDB features

Ankit Kumar Gupta
TEK Society
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2020


Having a NoSQL database the MongoDB has access to many exciting features making it more flexible, hence making it attractive, usable, popular and demanding in the crowd. Below the features are mentioned that increase the flexibility and accessibility of the use of this database.






6.High performance


8.Ad-hoc Queries

9.Schema-Less Database


Sharding rescues when we want and have to deal with a large set of data. Now if queries are to be dealt with such huge amount of dataset, it mounts some problems. But the concept of Sharding comes with an aid to this issue.

Sharding helps to discrete the big problem into multiple instances. Multiple collections are made by distribution collection of the bigger set of data into smaller ones. These distributed collections are called “SHARDS”.


This is one of the best features of MongoDB. Indexing helps to enhance the performance of the searching among the data sets. In MongoDB documents, the fields are indexed with both the secondary and primary blocks of index. Now the database machine can efficiently solve and rectify the queries which are to be performed.


This feature helps save our time for the maintenance process and also aids the smooth running of the operations. Redundancy control is done by this process of replication to overcome it, by distribution of the data to different machines. When we have the primary node down, the secondary node takes the role of the primary and resume the process without interruption; making the process smooth and time saving.


For the efficient use of the platform, the MongoDB gives us this feature, which helps to execute multiple processes on a group of data and come up with a single result. This is termed as Aggregation framework.

The three types of aggregation framework given by the MongoDB platform are:-

  1. The Map reduce function,
  2. Single purpose aggregation method, and
  3. Aggregation pipeline.


Being a NoSQL database, MongoDB has its own benefits as a document-oriented database. As in relational databases we have limited rows and columns for storing the data which are specific for a purpose. But here, we have fields having different types of documented sections to store a specific collection of data increasing the flexibility. Every document has its own specific unique key as well as object id which are system defined.


As this open source database has features like indexing and replication, the response time for the query reduces and faster execution is observed; making it a better choice in the applications for real-time and big data.

Thus, increasing its availability and scalability with high performance.


To store and retrieve the files, Grid-FS is the feature that is aided by MongoDB. The strategy which it avails is that — a document is segregated into small parts called the “chunks” and these are stored in a another document; where the size of the chunks are about 225 kilobytes.

Now, whenever any query is invoked for execution the chunks get assembled according to the requirement.


Ad-Hoc query refers to the query that we are unaware of when we structure the database.
In general, while designing a database’s schemas; we are not actually known in advance about what and how many queries will be performed overall.

MongoDB gives us a backup of help through the platform where we make things special here by introducing “Ad-Hoc queries”.


MongoDB is seen to be flexible through this feature when dealing the data-sets. There are no schemas and which helps us to create as many as possible fields, have as much content, and distinct sizes for different documents in the same collections.


As in above we have illustrated all the significant features and availabilities provided by MongoDB starting from Sharding, Indexing, Replication, Document-oriented database, Aggregation, Grid-FS, Schema-less database, Aa-Hoc queries and much more as detailed above; giving you a clear view and importance of this growing database.

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