Ekta chhaila
TEK Society
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2021

Let’s talk about ‘bad words’ today!

Out of 80–90 words, a normal person usually speaks in a day, 7 are bad.

Yesss, these special characters!

Aren’t you interested? Why exactly we use them? Their history? Is it really bad to use ‘BAD WORDS’? Why men curse more than women?

Out of all the shitty words, ‘shit’ is the oldest, then comes ‘Fuck’, ‘wanker’, ‘damn’, ‘piss’ and there’s a list, the evolution of bad words, as to say!

Swearing is like drugs. It causes some psychological changes and with time, it becomes a habit…congratulations, a new freaking habit.

But, what’s the purpose of speaking this way?

Research says humans use cursing either to cause phycological- emotional harm or to draw attention. Also, it is used as a way to show anger, pain, and disappointment. Even informal talks give a padded couch to swearing as slangs. Citing strong utter words is also associated with sex differences and aggressiveness, and that’s the reason, men do it more frequently.

Interestingly, bad words are mostly associated with anger and pain. Let’s just give a two minutes silence to the people who curse a lot……they are in pain. Joke?? Huh, might be!

Some countries even have laws against public swearing. You might be awarded a ‘year in prison’ and hasty fines if you show your cursing talent in Dubai. Sounds weird? This is known as the law.

Even India has legal provisions for punishing legends, who use obscene words in public that are deliberate to harm someone’s religious beliefs.

No straight harmful effects of using bad words are seen, but it may make uncomfortable the other one. There’s an ongoing controversy about its harmful effects, among psychologists.

Till then, let’s not make the other person uncomfortable? Let’s ask ourselves, does speaking this way really make us cool???

Is this habit that strong, we can’t break?



Ekta chhaila
TEK Society

I'm the person who's introvert but trying more and more to be social. I just didn't wanna miss any experience. Awaiting for more adventures and people :)