Data-Driven Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics for the Maintenance of Industrial Machinery with Hybrid and Cognitive Digital Twins

Teknopar Akademi
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2022

Perin Unal, Özlem Albayrak, Moez Jomâa, and Arne J. Berre

Abstract This chapter presents a Digital Twin Pipeline Framework of the COGNITWIN project that supports Hybrid and Cognitive Digital Twins, through four Big Data and AI pipeline steps adapted for Digital Twins. The pipeline steps are Data Acquisition, Data Representation, AI/Machine learning, and Visualisation and Control. Big Data and AI Technology selections of the Digital Twin system are related to the different technology areas in the BDV Reference Model. A Hybrid Digital Twin is defined as a combination of a data-driven Digital Twin with Firstorder Physical models. The chapter illustrates the use of a Hybrid Digital Twin approach by describing an application example of Spiral Welded Steel Industrial Machinery maintenance, with a focus on the Digital Twin support for Predictive Maintenance. A further extension is in progress to support Cognitive Digital Twins includes support for learning, understanding, and planning, including the use of domain and human knowledge. By using digital, hybrid, and cognitive twins, the project’s presented pilot aims to reduce energy consumption and average duration of machine downtimes. Data-driven artificial intelligence methods and predictive analytics models that are deployed in the Digital Twin pipeline have been detailed with a focus on decreasing the machinery’s unplanned downtime. We conclude that the presented pipeline can be used for similar cases in the process industry.

Keywords Digital Twin · Data-driven Artificial Intelligence · Big Data pipeline · AI pipeline · Hybrid Digital Twin · Cognitive Digital Twin · Predictive Analytics · Predictive Maintenance

Full text available on Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value

