Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Object Recognition in Underwater Video Images

Teknopar Akademi
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2022

Barış Güney ÖZDİLLİ, Mustafa Bora ARSLAN, Tilbe ALP, Özlem ALBAYRAK, Perin ÜNAL, Özlem BOZKURT and A. Murat ÖZBAYOĞLU

Abstract-In this study, our primary aim is to detect different formations, objects on the images taken from various underwater videos. For this purpose, machine learning models such as SVM, multi-layer perceptron, logistic regression that use attributes, image histogram obtained from images were chosen. In addition, Autoencoder and CNN based deep learning models were used directly over images and their performances were compared. According to the results, it was observed that all models were satisfactory and achieved good classification performances. The highest performance was observed in the Autoencoder based deep learning model, which achieved an accuracy level of %95. In the future, we are planning to continue studies to focus on underwater cable tracking and detecting errors and anomalies in underwater cables.
Keywords: Underwater image analysis, computer vision, object recognition, deep learning, machine learning

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