Cell Location Evidence Types

CDR location data is about to change a lot.

David Allen Burgess
Telecom Experts


Photo by Tom Rumble on Unsplash

In the course of routine operations, mobile network operators collect several types of information that are related the locations of phones. Some of this information is recorded in Call Detail Records (CDRs), the raw event database entries from which bills are generated. This location-related information is recorded in the CDRs because it can be useful in judging radio network performance and diagnosing radio network problems, like coverage gaps and dropped calls. CDRs containing location-related information are routinely produced by mobile operators in response to legal orders. While this information was never intended to be used as evidence in court, it often is. This article gives an overview of common location-related information found in CDRs and the characteristics of each type, and a peek into The Future.

Cell Sectors

The most common type of CDR location evidence is sector information. A sector is the smallest unit of coverage in most cellular networks and cellular operators usually record sector information in their CDRs. A typical cell tower will have three sectors pointing in three different directions, although some more recent 4G and 5G towers may have more. While some parties make claims of being able to “pinpoint” a phone based on this kind of data…



David Allen Burgess
Telecom Experts

I have worked in telecom since 1998, in both SIGINT and in commercial equipment. I also do expert work in legal cases, see http://telecom-expert.com.