Magic accomplished! We move lab samples door-to-door in under 8 hours

Puteri Yasmin Suraya
Teleport Blog
Published in
Nov 2, 2020

Teleport has successfully delivered shipments of laboratory samples from a lab in Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu to their counterpart in Klang, Selangor in just under eight hours!

In a feat that would typically take several painful days with lots of manual coordination, Teleport magically transported at speeds unheard of. Given the sensitive nature of the materials, the time constraint was absolutely necessary to help in the fight against COVID-19, and so it could have only been achieved by our own extraordinary team, with meticulous planning every step of the way!

The noninfectious package was picked up from the shipper at 2.00 pm on 7th October. It was pre-cleared with customs and loaded onto our flight before arriving in Kuala Lumpur. Finally, the delivery was completed by 9.30 pm, when it reached the counterpart’s Lab in Klang.

The package on its last-mile delivery!

This feat would not have been possible without our end-to-end technology and coordination amongst our Digital Forwarding, Air Operations and Delivery Operations teams! On top of that, a huge thanks to our team members in Growth, Sales and Standards for making this happen. We are extremely proud of our community and how committed they are to being helpful and making things happen.

When all parties from #TeamTeleport work together, it’s clear that we can make our goal of delivering from A to B, magically happen.

To find out more about our delivery services, do visit

Alternatively, please get in touch with our solutions team at

