Teleport Media Overview 2019

Natalie Devy
Teleport Media
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2019

It was a year to remember! Read what made us proud of our P2P CDN products and our team over 2019!

On behalf go the whole Teleport Media team I wish all of you a Very Happy New 2020 Year!

These last days of 2019 we’ve been thinking about what made this year to be remarkable for our company. And it turned to be really a launchpad year because of several key events and product upgrades we’ve been through. Let me just briefly sum it up here.

1 mln concurrent viewers for 1TV at New Year Eve 2019

For 2 years before that as we’d been growing stronger, we’d reached some heights and we’d faced challenges, but that very broadcast of 2019 New Year Night we served almost a million simultaneous viewers of the single stream. How awesome was that! Imagine what P2P CDN is capable of? We’re ready to break our own records!

Teleport Media v.4.0

Thanks to our great dev team, Teleport Media never stops improving its technologies. This year we’ve released JS library v.4, secured with forensic watermarks, easier to install. All to make our products more competitive. All to make our customers happy.

Web site & design renewal

As a matter of time, we’ve made comprehensive marketing materials and digital assets’ upgrade. From Teleport Media official web and logo to white papers and business cards, we took the best designer’s ideas to show who we are and what we do, leading you, dear fellows, to the future of video streaming available today.

NAB Las Vegas 2019

It was a highly important business trip made by Teleport Media CEO and Vice President of Sales to Las Vegas this April. They came back with tons of market insights, online broadcasting trends, information about main competitors’ technologies and their ups and downs, and of course, with prospect clients and partners, we’re still in touch with and we’re collaborating on joint projects.

Smart API

With new information from top media industry influencers and after face-to-face talks with prospect clients, we understood what direction our products must evolve. So we started from the core bone — our API. Even when the capacity of the in-house CDN is enough to serve the whole traffic and all viewers' requests, and when the external CDN is not required, each of the viewers actively establishes connections to other peers having P2P CDN installed by default. Thanks to that, P2P CDN is “warming up” without video chunks transferred, and a broadcaster is not charged for this. And when in-house CDN traffic threshold approaches, instead of switching to the external CDN, P2P CDN steps in and fill the gap, automagically. We showcased Smart API mode for our customers that works in 2 ways. The first way, Smart API made by Teleport Media is the tool for those broadcasters who want to maintain their own logic of P2P CDN management of any complexity. The second, this is the service when Teleport Media applies its own logic of P2P management, and the broadcaster gets the end result. In both ways, we’ve presented a solution on how to get 5X greater in-house CDN capacity with no additional cost.

IBC Amsterdam 2019

The greatest European media industry must-be event that our team attended with a booth for the first time. It was amazing 5-days experience of networking, sales, learning, partying, negotiating and coming to agreements. It was a week in Amsterdam for a group of 4 of us: CEO, Vice President of Sales, Head of Business Relations and a Growth Marketing Manager. We did our best to present our 1st Decentralised CDN With Full Stream Protection. We came back home with 3 new clients, 2 strategic partnerships, over 10 of tech partnerships, after over 100 of meetings! Great job and fantastic experience!

Strategic partnership with Bitmovin

Through our ongoing interactions during the whole year and acquisition of mutual customers from IBC, our companies have reached an ideal point of business intersection — at the end of January 2020, Teleport Media and Bitmovin together will perform at CSTB Moscow Show.

And thus, we’re forging an official partnership between our companies a strategic step towards the future with a unified goal of providing the highest quality video technologies. Teleport Media is the first Bitmovin’s strategic partner in Russia and CIS.

Easy dashboard access

The next step to upgrade was the main tool our customers use — Teleport Media dashboard. Still in progress of reconstruction, but far more adaptive and easy to access and run, with new features to be released in the nearest future, our renewed dashboard is the part of our new product — Teleport Media Simple — easy-to-install and free-to-use unmetered plan to connect adaptive and scalable P2P CDN in minutes.

Teleport Media Simple — beta test

We believe we’re consistent, and after we made some improvements in core, in marketing, in API and dashboard, we turned to a wider audience of online broadcasters and OTT engineers to offer them an ultimately new product that aims to make a significant difference on what we have today on P2P CDN market. Teleport Media Simple is an everlasting P2P CDN trial with no hidden fees. This is how we’d like our future customers to test us as a self-service. Just quickly connect to the decentralized network, get the understanding of all the benefits that P2P may bring to their business (like cut CDN costs, serve spikes, improve video quality, secure streams, etc) absolutely free of charge. Yes, we’re not going to charge on traffic nor set the time limits as usual trials do. Notable, we offer a trial ladder of customizable plans for those online video broadcasters who will get free P2P CDN and upgrade as they grow. The official release is January 2020.

Dear friends, thanks a lot for your support!

The 2019 results would not have been so significant without you! And we have much more to show in 2020, we bet you’re gonna be surprised!

Happy Holiday Season, see you in 2020!



Natalie Devy
Teleport Media

10yrs+ in Product Marketing & Business Communications for streaming media tech, software development