History O Level Tips and Tricks

teleschope. sg
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2021

History can be an interesting humanities subject to take, especially for those that already have an interest in history. For those that may find it challenging to score well for history, we have collated some tips for you!

  1. For starters, it may seem that there are a lot to memorise for history, such as the various historical significant dates and statistics
  2. Furthermore, time management can also been a big source of issue for many students
  • Once you spend too much time on one question, it would be extremely hard to makeup the time loss for the rest of the paper

3. To rectify these problems, you can focus on memorising events that are of significance instead of memorising numbers/dates

  • Instead of memorising the numerical growth in number of tanks that Germany produced in preparation for WWII, instead memorise the dates when significant rearmament measures were taken (E.g. Rebuilding the Luftwaffe)

4. You can start memorising via the purpose, big ideas and assumptions behind the historical events and people before memorising the details so that you can build a coherent picture of what’s happening and what will happen next

5. Learn to skip questions once you’ve exceeded your personal time limit for those questions if you are unable to finish them

  • To learn what should be your time limit for those questions, you’ll have to practice by doing papers

6. See if you can get your hands on an existing marking scheme (Not an example driven answer scheme, one which details the important points of marking and how they break down LORMS for each specific question) to break down for yourself exactly what you have to write

  • Your teachers should have one for previous prelim papers, don’t be afraid to ask them

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