POA O Level Tips and Tricks

teleschope. sg
Published in
1 min readJul 29, 2021

POA can be quite the variation from our typical curriculum which revolves around money, and can be difficult to comprehend the abstract ideas that are being taught. These following tips can be useful to help you to ace this subject!

  • Practice more on weaker topics such as non current assets and accruals. POA is like Math, the numbers will keep changing but the formats will stay the same. the more you practise the more familiar you are with the concept. Ask your teacher for more worksheets or redo the ones you currently have. If possible pass them to your teacher to mark them.
  • Consult your teacher on a regular basis with any difficulties you face. Find out what are the concepts you are weak in by doing practise questions and consult your teacher on how to improve. If needed, please ask your teacher to help you in remembering the formats at the very least if you cannot memorise the theory.

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