Republic Polytechnic (RP)

teleschope. sg
Published in
9 min readApr 15, 2022
Photo taken from Vulcan Post. Click here for RP’s official website

Table of Contents

0. Introduction
1. Why did you choose Republic Polytechnic?
2. Why did you choose polytechnic over JC?
3. Why did you choose your current course?
4. Describe your school culture/spirit?
5. How is the academic rigour? Is everyone fixated on results?
6. Describe your typical school day
7. What is the class size and gender ratio?
8. Was the it tough to get into a CCA?
9. What are some special traditions/ activities your school has?
10. Are tutors easy to approach and open for consultations?


This section is written by Teleschope

Republic Polytechnic strives to nurture innovative, entrepreneurial and cultured professionals. It offers 49 full-time diplomas and has a 100% internship rate. RP prides itself on its Problem-based Learning(PBL) and other learner-centred approaches, for these push students to think critically, analyze problems and develop solutions while working in groups. Another unique program it has is International Projects where students are provided special opportunities for growth and exchange while partnering international organisations.

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions in this article are from either current or past students from the respective schools and do not represent those of Teleschope, unless explicitly stated. All students have been anonymised for privacy reasons.

Q1. Why did you choose Republic Polytechnic?

Qn: Why did you choose Republic Polytechnic
Qn: Why did you choose Republic Polytechnic

As cliché as it sounds, the…

problem-based learning (PBL) approach that RP adopts attracted me to RP.

PBL is more suited for me because during my Biology classes in Secondary School, my teacher would use PBL several times to teach us on topics such as excretion. I could understand and apply the concepts learnt better when she gave us a scenario-based problem on excretion or a real-life example of someone who has defects in the kidney and how can we treat it.

PBL is unique to RP only, whereby every aspect of learning in RP is modulated into a problem and we have to learn how to solve it using the things that we learnt that day.

Also, RP’s campus is fully air-conditioned! So, you do not have to worry about sweating while walking around campus or in class. Hence, most RP students bring jackets, hoodies, or dress slightly warmer. With that in mind, we have a lot of fashion choices as being an air-conditioned campus, we can style layered clothing.

It is near my house and…

has a clean environment.

Every block is connected so it is easy to move around especially when some modules (subject) require you to go to different blocks.

Q2. Why did you choose polytechnic over JC?

Qn: Why did you choose polytechnic over JC?
Qn: Why did you choose polytechnic over JC?

I chose to go into polytechnic because I know that I prefer to have a more flexible learning environment. I work best in a…

collaborative environment

rather than individual work and bound to the textbooks only.

After going to JC’s open house, I felt like the academic environment in JC was too stressful for me and I already had a passion in aviation so i decided to go to poly.

Q3. Why did you choose your current course?

Qn: Why did you choose your current course?
Qn: Why did you choose your current course?

I chose biotechnology because I wanted to pursue my passion in Science broadly and learn to make use of living systems to develop products beneficial to the healthcare in Singapore.

Biotechnology in RP is first focused on the broad aspect of Chemistry and Biology.

Once we learn the fundamentals, we deepen into two specialization tracks: Biologics and Agrotechnology track. Biologics track focuses more on research and using manufacturing sciences. Agrotechnology track focuses more on food technology and urban food production in Singapore.

Since young, I always wanted to be a pilot and explore the vast world. That’s why i chose aviation management. Aviation management is where you will learn the basics of aircraft engineering, management of air traffic, airside operations, pilot skills and terminal management.

Q4. Describe your school culture/spirit?

Qn: Describe your school culture/spirit?
Qn: Describe your school culture/spirit?

Whenever we have concerts or performances on campus, we will always be jumping around to the music, having fun, and jamming along with the music.

During sports games, we will always cheer for the teams playing and scream whenever a team score. Whenever a group of random people are singing “Happy Birthday”, whoever is in that area will join in regardless of whether they know the birthday person or not.”

It seems like everyone knows each other and it is more like…

having a family than friends.

You will tend to be very close with your classmates over a short period of time.

Q5. How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive?

Qn: How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive?
Qn: How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive?

For how RP academic works, it is very different from other polytechnics as we use problem-based learning for our classes. You will be put into classes of 25, and then in teams of 5 whenever you have classes. This is to…

facilitate collaboration in the group

so really this brings everyone out of their comfort zone and make friends with one another. For class schedules, most of the time we have 1 module per day, as it is structured that you have one problem a day to solve using the content that you learnt during the day.

Assessment in RP is very different in other polytechnics as you will be graded every day, based on collaboration and teamwork throughout the day with your team, PQ, online quiz, and RJ.

These daily grades make up 40% of overall module grade while the other 60% comes from Mid-Semester Assessment (MSA) AND End-Semester Assessment (ESE). In terms of competitiveness, I would say…

a healthy amount

because we do compete in some way to achieve our desired grades, but, as a whole everyone is helping one another to pull through the semester and struggle together as one.

Yes, it is competitive. Since we don’t do as much projects, we have daily grades that grade our participation and work. Although they take a small percentage, a grade drop or increase can make a difference. There is more presentation each day. Participation is key to getting good grades.

Q6. Describe your typical school day

Qn: Describe your typical school day
Qn: Describe your typical school day

: Class starts; lecturer gives the problem of the day and start scaffolding of content for the day

9.30am-10.15am: Break

10.15 to 11.30am: Complete worksheets with resources given or search online; consulting lecturer

11.30am-1.15pm: Working lunch break(Work on presentations on the solution to the problem given to you by applying the content taught)

1.15pm-3.30pm: Presentations; lecturer’s review of the lesson and do PQ (paper quiz that test on your understanding for the day)

After class, there are deliverables for you to submit by 2359 everyday, which are online quiz, RJ(a reflective journal, which your lecturer will give you a question to apply the concepts learnt into a scenario-based situation), self-evaluation and peer evaluation.

Q7. What is the class size and gender ratio?

Qn: What is the class size and gender ratio?
Qn: What is the class size and gender ratio?

Class size is about 25 students to 1 lecturer. Gender ratio in Biotechnology differs every year as it depends on the yearly intake. However, generally there are more girls than guys in Biotechnology.

Estimated to be 47% females and 63% males. Quite alot of females in this course compared to other engineering courses.

Q8. Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?

Qn: Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?
Qn: Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?

I do have CCAs, 2 of them. Both are not difficult to get in.

One of them is EUREKA, which is my diploma’s CCA and any science-related and diploma-related activities such as camps is organised by EUREKA. As I am a student of Diploma in Biotechnology (DBIO), I am automatically a member of EUREKA because EUREKA is a CCA specific to DBIO and its related events and activities.

The other one in String Ensemble. I do have passion for music and have been playing the violin for more than 10 years. So, I joined this CCA to pursue my passion. I did have to audition to get into it, but the audition was not difficult. The conductor was looking for people who genuinely have passion for music and the interest in learning string instruments.

Q9. What are some special traditions/activities?

Qn: What are some special traditions/activities?
Qn: What are some special traditions/activities?

First up, Jam & Hop! This event is especially unique to our orientation programme. On the last day of orientation, from evening to night, we have a full-on concert put up by the Performing Arts CCAs and DJs who are alumni of RP. This is the highlight of orientation as everyone gets to let go of everything and party!

Secondly, IGNITE! This event is also unique to RP because it is an annual event across two days, like Jam & Hop! it is 2 nights of concert. Local artists such as LEW come down to RP to perform and within a few years IGNITE! Has been named the biggest local music festival in Singapore.

Yes, every year we will have a concert in school where our CCAs as well as local artists come to perform.

Q10. Are lecturers easy to approach and open for consultations?

Qn: Are lecturers easy to approach and open for consultations?
Qn: Are lecturers easy to approach and open for consultations?

Most lecturers are…

easy to approach and some of them are even like our own friends.

They welcome questions and consultations because to most lecturers in RP, since we are an institute of PBL, it is about the process that matters rather than the results.

Also, from the day you step into RP, you are attached to a Mentor, who basically is your lecturer, friend, counsellor, and advisor.

These mentors will guide you in the 3 years you are in RP and they will always be there when we need them.

Some are not but mostly they are easy to approach. Yes you are able to ask for consultation but you must ask in advance or ask during the lesson itself.

Before you go…

If you have any questions relating to this article or requests for future topics, do not hesitate to contact us through Email or Instagram. 😄

