Episode 463 — Televised Revolution

Dan Barrett
Televised Revolution
1 min readAug 9, 2016

The world is becoming a much smaller place. With so many viewers engaging in geo-dodging behaviours, international digital developments are starting to have a direct impact on the shows and services we access locally. But even taking that out of the equation, the movements we see happen overseas are often echoed by local content providers. Even if it is a couple of years later.

This week on Televised Revolution we’re looking at some big international shifts we’ve witnessed in the past week:

  • Time Warner buy 10% of Hulu
  • E! are planning five Facebook Live shows
  • BBC make moves to limit iPlayer access to TV license holders in the UK.

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Dan Barrett
Televised Revolution

Publisher of Always Be Watching, talks TV on RN Breakfast, amateur dog walker.