How to Get Paid to Stream Video

Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2021

Follow these quick steps to make money for your streaming video content.

  1. Create a Host account on
  2. Create a live session and set the entrance fee.
  3. Preview the session.
  4. Start streaming.
  5. Share the link so people can view it.
  6. When Guests pay the entrance fee, they can view your stream.
  7. Earn 95% of all entrance fees.

If you make content that deserves to be seen, you deserve to be paid for streaming it.

The way things are today are wrong.

  • Why should you have to wait around to become an affiliate or partner?
  • Why should you have to clutter your content with ad space to get paid?
  • Why should you have to pay to host a virtual event?
  • Why should you have to manage tickets, users, and streams in separate and complicated apps?

In short, you shouldn’t. Any philosophy otherwise is greedy. That’s why we’re excited to share with you Televort — a new live streaming platform where you get paid to go live. The best part is, you decide the amount to charge for people to view your stream. If you want your ticket to be $1,000, go for it!

That’s it! If you’re excited about what you’re reading, go to and create a Host account now. Set up your first session and start earning!

If you want some more details, continue reading, and we’ll guide you through the steps above to get paid to go live.

1. Create a Host account on

  • Visit
  • Fill in your name, email, and create a password. Then select the Host option. Stream viewers will sign up as Guests.
  • Hit SIGN UP.
Form to create a host account on
Form to create a host account on

If you already have an account, use the LOG IN button to access your account.

Button to log in to an existing account.
Button to log in to an existing account

2. Create a live session and set the entrance fee.

Button to create a session
Button to create a session

The next thing to do to get paid to stream is hit the CREATE A LIVE SESSION button. This will let you set up details of your stream.

Form to set up a session
Form to set up a session

Session Title

Name it whatever you want. For example, “Techno Tuesday Nights,” “Jamie’s Yoga Class,” “Innovation Webinar,” etc. It’s up to you.

Charge an Entrance Fee

If you want to get paid to stream, you’ll need to make sure this is checked. Then set the price.


This is the amount that each of your Guests will pay to access your stream. On Televort, you get paid for each Guest that pays the entrance fee. For example, if your entrance fee is $50, a Guest will pay $50.


Set the currency for the price you enter. The default option is US Dollars (USD).


Hit the Save button to move to the next step — to preview your session setup before you begin the live session.

3. Preview the session.

This is the screen to preview your session before going live.

Interface to preview the session’s video and audio sources
Interface to preview the session’s video and audio sources

Session Title

This is what you so cleverly named your session in the previous step.

Session Link

A link to view your stream will be generated automatically. Use this link to let your Guests (fans/followers/customers/attendees, etc.) view your live content.

It will start with

Then, there’s a 9-digit code that is unique to your session link.

Media Sources

Select a video source. You can screenshare, use a webcam, or a virtual camera.

If you’re screensharing, you may have the option to Share Audio in the browser’s settings. Otherwise, select a microphone or virtual cable for audio input.

Televort easily integrates with OBS if you are used to live streaming with that. A follow-up tutorial will be created for setting up OBS.

Begin Session

Then, you can hit Begin Session to start streaming. If you’re ready, skip ahead to step 4. If you’re not quite ready to stream, clicking Close will save the session settings and allow you to start it at another date. This may be helpful if you want to send out your session link ahead of time.

Click Preview to continue where you left off with the session you’ve previously created.
Click Preview to continue where you left off with the session you’ve previously created

4. Start Streaming

At this point, you may need to reselect your media sources. Then, you’re live!

View of the screen a Host sees when streaming
View of the screen a Host sees when streaming

Media Sources

Make the same selections you had when you previewed your session, or modify your settings.

On Air

This is displayed when you’re streaming!

Link to View Your Stream

This is the same session link as before that you’ll use to share with Guests.

Guests will need to hit the Play button to see your stream. Depending on their screen size, they may need to scroll down to see the Play button. If they don’t press it, they may see a blank, black screen. We’re working on automating this so that clicking Play isn’t required, but at the time of writing, it’s the way to view the stream.


This button stops the stream. Alternatively, close your browser to stop the stream.

5. Share the link so people can view it.

Copy and paste the session link wherever you’d like your viewers to find it.

6. When Guests pay the entrance fee, they can view your stream.

Viewers will need to create a Guest account. When they visit your session link, they’ll be prompted to pay the entrance fee you set.

Portal Entrance displays the Session Name, Link, and Entrance Fee
Portal Entrance displays the Session Name, Link, and Entrance Fee

Your Guest will be prompted to pay via PayPal with an account or by entering their credit or debit card information. Once they complete checkout, they’ll have access to view that session link!

7. Earn 95% of all entrance fees.

95% of all entrance fees that were paid by your Guests go to you.

Televort pays the ~3% credit card processing fees and just~2% goes to Televort to support the infrastructure and people needed to keep the platform up and running.

We built this platform for you.

Whether you’re performing remotely, teaching a class, hosting a webinar, or providing any other streaming digital service, Televort gives you the opportunity to grow as your fan base grows.

Share your content with the world. Get paid to go live on Televort.

Follow us on the social channels and leave us feedback so we can make your experience even better.

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