He Out-Bopped the Buzzard and the Oriole!

Listening to Bobby Day’s 1958 hit “Rock-in Robin” with fresh ears and hearing a great rock & roll record

Neal Umphred
Tell It Like It Was
6 min readApr 7, 2019


This bright maroon label on Class Records 229 makes it a rather rare record. Note that the title has a hyphen in “Rock-in,” which was an odd way to spell that word even way back then when much of the “rules” regarding rock & roll hadn’t been settled. (Photo: personal collection)

FOR MOST OF US, the period in our lives when we are most passionate about music is our teenage years. Somewhere around 13 or 14 years old, we start both intense for love and equally intense hate affairs with the pop…



Neal Umphred
Tell It Like It Was

Mystical Liberal likes long walks in the city at night in the rain alone with an umbrella and flask of 10-year-old Laphroaig.