Million Selling Records from 1900 to 1980

A review of Joseph Murrells’ illustrated directory to most of the best selling records of all time

Neal Umphred
Tell It Like It Was


The Mamas And Papas Deliver was certified for an RIAA Gold Record Award on April 20, 1967, indicating sales of approximately 600,000 copies in the US. Since this album is not mentioned in the Murrells book, it has apparently failed to pass a million copies sold over the course of fifty years. (Photo of the UK pressing of this album on RCA Victor Records courtesy of Suzy Hazlewood for Pexels.)

INFORMATION is “the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence” and “knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction.” So says Merriam-Webster, my go-to source for information concerning the definition of most words and terms. Since I have spent a goodly amount of time over the past thirty years writing about records and music, I have a few go-to sources regarding those fields.

The sales of vinyl records (singles and albums) is an ongoing conversation among fans of the history of recorded music but especially among fans of certain artists. Trying to ascertain whether Elvis or the Beatles have sold the most “units” worldwide will probably never be determined, mainly because the sales of the vast majority of the Presley catalog will never be known. But that’s another story.

Most people writing about popular music on the internet don’t appear to have any interest in research.

I have been known to engage others in these arguments, both in person and online. My go-to sources for information about the actual sales rather than reputed sales (usually…



Neal Umphred
Tell It Like It Was

Mystical Liberal likes long walks in the city at night in the rain alone with an umbrella and flask of 10-year-old Laphroaig.