On Knowing the Phenomenal Energi of Paul Williams

The Father of rock journalism and an unwitting architect of the New Age movement

Neal Umphred
Tell It Like It Was


John Travolta as the seemingly super-powered George Malley in the 1996 movie Phenomenon. (Image cropped from a promotional poster.)

IT WAS 1980 and I was 28 and living in St. Helena, the heart and soul of California’s gorgeous grape-growing Napa Valley. I had a day job attending to the needs of the plants and customers at Four Seasons Nursery. I enjoyed this job, as plant people tend to be friendly and plants tend to be even friendlier.

I was hardly wealthy — Hell’s Belles, I was barely solvent most of the times! — but I felt blessed: I had a decent job and I was in love with a beautiful woman. And, most amazingly, she was in love with me.

I was also buying and selling collectable records, which I acquired by haunting used record shops in the Bay Area, especially the thousands of records in the dollar bins at the back of Rasputin’s in Berkeley.

I sold these records at the monthly swaps at the Holiday Inn in Emeryville, the Castro Valley’s Boy’s Club, and the “legendary” Capitol Record swap in Los Angeles. I had also recently started running regular ads in Goldmine magazine, so I was a mail-order dealer.

“Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person. He might start thinking he knows what’s…



Neal Umphred
Tell It Like It Was

Mystical Liberal likes long walks in the city at night in the rain alone with an umbrella and flask of 10-year-old Laphroaig.