11 Positive Laws To Follow When You Are Unemployed.

Jose L Romero
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
10 min readJan 9, 2017

The Alarm Clock goes off like it always does at 6am. Your arm reaches over to turn off that annoying beeping sound. You turn over to sleep and suddenly you realize that you are unemployed! Instantly thoughts of being homeless and not being able to get a job fill your head.

You say to yourself “What am I going to do now?” with rent and bills looming over the horizon you need to figure out what you can do. You begin to fall into depression and despair as you no longer have a job and how your life will need to be reeled back in. No more spending money as now you will need to stretch it as far as you can. Why? Because the economy is not what it used to be as it will take you a lot longer to get a job.

Being unemployed sucks believe me! Why, because I was there right where you are right now. Scared and wondering how the hell you going to get out of this. You read the all the articles online about being unemployed and how they seem so surreal! Like the Forbes article on the “10 Things To Do When You Are Unemployed.” They make it seem that being unemployed is okay and that life is still the same for you as if nothing has happened.

I was unemployed for six months and believe me its not okay! Knowing that you have responsibilities to take care of and finding out you no longer have the money to meet those needs! Believe me it can drive a man or woman to the brink of depression and inadequacy.

Looking back to that time laying in bed in the dark I could have easily fallen into a depressive state but instead I made up a plan that I followed everyday so as to not feel like I’m not doing anything. A man should have things to do during the day to keep his mind occupied so that he does not dwell in negativity.

I came up with my “11 Things To do When You Are Unemployed”

Yes I think this list if followed can and will help you find a job or at least get out of the “Feeling sorry for yourself” mode.

Ready? Lets begin!

1. Getting Out Of Bed Early:

When you are unemployed you will quickly start to sleeping late. You must curb this desire as sleeping in tends to destroy your motivation for doing things that you need to do on that day. People tend to do more in the mornings rather than the afternoons. So wake up at the same time or at least early enough that the rest of the day is not shot! Not oversleeping will tend to trick your mind that the routine is still on and you will feel more motivated in doing things.

Set that clock at 6am and take on the world!

Remember early to bed, early to rise, makes a man wealthy, healthy and wise!

2. Go Get Your Unemployment Benefits:

Once you are out of bed you need to shower, dress and head down to the Department of Labor and sign up for unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits is a temporary program that will pay you a certain percentage of your salary so at least you will be able to somewhat live albeit a bit tight. Even if you got a severance package you should still look into this benefit since they take it out of your check when you had a job.

Most companies will agree to give unemployment benefits to ex-employees without a hassle. But there are a few who will contest your filing of unemployment benefits. When that happens get ready to prove your reasons on why you got let go. The DOL has meetings like this on a one to one with the third person being a judge.

If you got laid off or anything else other than being fired you should not worry about getting your unemployment benefits. They usually run for 6 months up to year depending on that state of the economy.

The whole process usually take two weeks for the paperwork to get through and you start getting your checks. When it’s time to put in your time you will call the DOL unemployment benefits line and answer a few questions through their automated answering system. I usually takes a few minutes and the DOL will send you a letter telling you at what day and time to call after every week.

Now this does not mean that you can just sit back for 6 months to a year and do nothing except to be a bum. Remember this is just a temporary resolution and you should still be looking for work.

3. Get That Suit Or Dress Out Of That Closet:

Now that you took care of your unemployment benefits and have at least some of your money coming back to you, you need to go home and get that suit ready for interviewing! A man should own at least two or three suits just for this as you never know when you need to get yourself a job! Make sure the suit fits well not too tight and please make sure that the suit is not wrinkled!

Usually instead of me going about trying to wash and iron the suit its much better to take to the Dry Cleaners and have them take care of it. Usually some starch, ironing and a good wash from the Dry Cleaners will make your suit look brand new! Perception is everything these days and if you dress well people will treat you well! If you dress bad then guess what then you need to get right back out there again!

A nice clean and pressed suit looks good and believe me your interviewer will notice!

4. Review And Update Your Resume:

Another important rule is to look over your resume before you go and send it out as well as give to future employers. If you need to update it go ahead and do that. A good resume software can help you with that but having a professional can make all the difference of your resume standing out or being put into the trash. Hire a professional to set up your resume that way its supposed to be. Sure you may spend a little money for it at first but it will pay back itself in the future.

I usually did my own resumes for a long time and then one day I decided to have someone more professional handle my resume and let me tell you I got a lot of calls from that professionally made resume. It worked for me and the money I spent on it is well worth the investment.

Check your resume and make sure everything in your resume is up to date and if you want hire a professional!

5. The Only Two Job Search Engines You Will Need To Look For A Job:

There millions of job boards and classifieds with jobs updating everyday. It is impossible to send your resume to every single ad or job vacancy it just is not possible as of now. But what if I could tell you that there are two job sites you should be looking at that could cut down the time of looking for a specific job? I have two that I use and its called Simply Hired and Indeed!

These two job sites resemble more like a Google search engine than a job board. When you open either Simply Hired and Indeed the first you will need to do is enter your job position into the “Search” box and like Google hit enter and wait a few seconds as the search engine will begin to scour the Internet for your keyword or rather anyone looking for a person with your skills. Once it finds the results it will lay it out much like Google does when you are doing a search.

From there you can check out the open positions and you can arrange them by city, state and Zip code which will narrow the search down to more manageable levels.

These two search engines can save you a ton of time and helps you be more productive as all you have to do is click on a result and enter your information and upload your resume.

You should check these two search engines at least three times a day! In case something new pops up on the search you can quickly jump on it and upload your resume!

6. Start Shaking Your Network Tree:

Once you have begun hitting the job the boards and search engines you can also begin to call friends, associates and even relatives and hit them up to see if they are hiring in their companies. Networking should always be something that you are constantly building even if you have a job it is important as you never know when the time comes that you have to call in a favor.

There are people out there who say that networking is bullcrap! To that I say it is not as in these days its who you know that can help you either get a job or not. I know when I was unemployed and hopeless I got a call and I answered it. It was a recruiter who was looking for someone to fill a job position he had in his company. He told me his name and I instantly recognize the name! It was a co-worker I worked with a few years back. We chatted for a bit and he told me what he was doing and where he was working and I told him my dilemma!

An hour later he set me up with an interview to meet with a Director Of IT and he just looked at me and spoke to me briefly and told me that I came greatly recommended by the HR guy and on that day I got the job! All because he recognized me and my skills and since we both knew each other then I became the right man for the job!

Never burn your bridges people as its important to keep relationships alive! Networking did that for me and t can do that for you! That day I was a new man! I was back in the game and now able to handle my responsibilities just like you are!

Remember network, network, network!

7. Since You Are At Home Doing Nothing Why Not Learn A New Skill:

While you are unemployed you will have days when things come to a standstill. When that happens why not go out to the Internet and learn a new skill in your field? Why not go to the garage and build something? Better yet why not learn how to maintain your car?

There is always time to learn new things as it will help you become more employable!

You go online and read on “How-To’s” articles and blog posts. Things that can help you become a more round person as a person who knows how to do a broad range of things is a person who is enjoying their life!

8. If You Are Tired Of Working For The Man? Then Why Not Be The Man And Start Your Own Business:

If all of this is not working for you then its time to go your own way! Yes folks its time to start a business! Most people the minute they hear that they begin to see a picture of a risk taking venture that they are unsure they could pull off. They forget to see that a business can be anything from selling water bottles, shoveling snow or even mowing someone’s lawn for money. These little side businesses can bring in some extra cash and are great for beginners to learn on how to build a business. You can start your business online or off! The problem with online businesses is that there is too many “Get Rich Quick” schemes running around that might be a good opportunity but in the end its just hype.

There is no such thing as easy money when you start a business. Every dollar made is earned by the effort you put in everyday. Being the man is not easy as being the man means that only you are responsible for the way you run your life and business. If you do not go out there and make money then your business makes no money.

Most people never even give this rule a try because it means that they will be the only ones to take the blame if their idea blows up. They will have to go out with no clear plan, no one holding your hand you are all alone so instead they would much rather stay unemployed or work under someone for the rest of their lives.

Personally I think that is not a good way to live your life! Then again that is just me!

9: Go To The Gym More:

Working out will and does make anyone feel better, more alert and ready to take the day! Working out can help you relax while at the same time be healthy.

When you workout you have all the chemicals in your body react and make you feel good. Your brain goes into a Zen like state, clear and relax for a few hours. If you work out everyday while you are unemployed depression will not have the chance to set into your brain and create havoc. All those feel good chemicals in your brain will not allow it!

So work out as much as possible when you feel your self feeling down. Also it can help you get that great physique a Sugar Mama might want!

Just saying?

10. Keep Tabs In Your Industry:

While you are out of the game for a while you can lose touch with what is going on in your industry or career field. It is always important to see what is going on and staying up to date as your interviewer will expect you to know.

Just read up the websites and blogs that are in your industry and keep up to date. Being unemployed also means being left behind so stay up to date!

11. Schedule and Set Up Interviews:

AH YES! You did all of the above and now you are getting some phone calls from interested companies who want to get to know you and possibly give you a job. Make sure that you schedule your interviews in such a way that you have enough time to meet and commute from one place to another. This is what the suit and your Resume come into play. Also remember getting a job is a numbers game and you have to keep doing it until you find a middle point.

Getting a job is never easy as it takes a lot of time and effort to get back into the game. You should always have things to do when you are unemployed. after all your life and sanity does depend on it!

What are the things you do when you are unemployed? Comment below and let me know!

