1st Father’s Day

Yesterday was my inaugural Father’s Day. It is amazing how a child can change your life. My wife and I had a relaxing day at home with our son, who will be 12 weeks tomorrow. Just another typical Sunday, ate some breakfast, feed the baby, changed his diaper, feed the baby, did some laundry, changed his diaper, feed the baby. Most parents are familiar with this routine, or a similar version of it. Around 6pm we meet my in-laws for dinner. Upon arrival to the restaurant our son was sound asleep. He sleep for about an hour and when he wokp up we feed him. Once he was topped up he began to take in all of his surroundings. From the other babies and children crying, lights on the ceiling, the TV’s, the people, it was a wealth of entertainment for him to take in.

Then came a great moment during dinner when my son was really fussy. I took my son and walked around the restaurant to calm him down. As soon as he was calm I would return back to our table, and he would start crying again. At this point I took him outside and walked around Lansdowne park and he was calm, cool, and collected. He took it all in as I sang this song, “Look at the buildings and people, you see tress and leaves. They’re ALL the things you like, they’re ALL the things you like!” This was repeated for the next 30 minutes as I wanted to let my wife and her parents enjoy the rest of the meal.

Selfishly I wanted to take this time and enjoy the true moment I was having on Father’s Day. It was very special for me. It made me feel really good that my son wanted to spend that time with me and no one else. Not Mommy, Grandma, or Poppy. Only Daddy could keep him calm and relaxed.

