Create Your Moments

by C.J. Adams

C.J. Adams
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc


It’s 4:49 PM on a Wednesday, and I’m sitting in Reagan National.

How did I get here?

By creating my moments.

Nick Onken, a freaking incredible photographer, is the man responsible for the Create Your Moment movement, and he inspires the hell out of me.

We all have the tendency to let life happen, to accept that things are the way they are, to say that it’s out of our control.

That’s simply not true. You can create the life you want. You can create your moments.

Life is defined by moments. The great ones are the ones we remember forever. We’ll tell our grandkids about those moments.

Which is why I spontaneously went to New York City on Monday. You see, I’ve never had the opportunity to really explore the city on my own.

To go exactly where I want to go. Meet incredible people. Eat delicious food.

To just exist in the moments that I am creating.

Well, I finally did that this time, and WOW…..the last two days are some of the best of my life.

I met a crazy cool girl named T-Rex. We met on Twitter, and I broke the ice with a dinosaur joke. Seriously, I freaking love social media.

I ate at the new restaurant of a chef and restaurateur, who I’ve admired for years, AND I actually got to meet him.

Go to Seamore’s. It’s ridiculously awesome.

I almost got arrested by NYPD….thankfully they took mercy on me because I would not do well in jail.

I learned how to use the subway system, and of course, got lost a couple of times.

I truly created my moments for one of the first times in my life.

Now is your time to create your own moments. Your grandkids will thank you one day, but more importantly, you’ll thank yourself.

What are you waiting for?

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I’m an entrepreneur and marketer. You can find me all over the place:



C.J. Adams
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc

Real Estate Agent at Scenic Sotheby’s International Realty | Collector of Things that Go Tick Tock | Runner of Too Many Miles