How to be Productive? 2 Different People Answer This Question

Tony Yeung
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
1 min readAug 31, 2018


How can I be productive?

This is a very simple question, but you will get different answers from different people.

Some people will answer in a lifestyle way if you ask them this question at a causal way. They will tell you that you need to go to bed early, do regular exercises, or keep your mind and body fit.

When you ask people this question in the workplace, they will answer you in a way more focus on the workplace. They will suggest you that plan in the morning what you want to work for, divide your work schedule well, or learn to say “no” at work.

There are unlimited ways to answer this question. My approach to such question depends on the situation. If you want to get productive, the first thing you need to ask yourself, “what do I really need to be productive first? At my work or my life in general?”

In my above video, I examine this question better. Please check it out.

SNAPCHAT ► MrTonyYeung

