How to Feel Alive…Simple Pleasures For the Middle Aged Man

Mike Johnson
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
3 min readJun 19, 2015

She was flabbergasted, shocked and dumbfounded. To put it simply, she was at a complete loss for words. She never saw me coming. “She”, was a beautiful and shapely mature woman with gorgeous long blond hair. She was dressed nicely, classy sexy I would call it. Tight blouse, black skirt and heels. My guess is she was stopping by the grocery store on her way home from the office when I first saw her adding a head of lettuce to her shopping cart.

“Hi. I think you are gorgeous. “ That is all that I said to her, and then I smiled and calmly waited for her response taking the whole experience in. Pausing and allowing a “pregnant moment” is the key. A mildly amused , somewhat mischievous Cheshire style grin, if done right, is a killer pose for this approach in my opinion.

More importantly, it made me feel very much alive, it gave me a head rush so to speak. I could feel the endorphin's release inside my brain.

Judging by the look on her face, and by her reaction, it made her feel quite alive, and in the moment as well. What’s not to like about that? Life is short, blah blah blah. But it’s true, we can make life much more enjoyable, fun and exciting by very simple gestures, if …if…if…we would only try.

She gathered herself, took a quick breath and somewhat clumsily thanked me. It was a heartfelt thank you. We momentarily shared the moment. A pause ensued. I remember looking into her eyes right then and it was a powerful moment. Her pupils were dilating and I had a beautiful glimpse into her very sexy soul. There was a deep communication going on in that special moment. It can be described, but it is best felt. It’s a natural high. It brings you back to the glory days of your youth.

In my younger days I would have awkwardly broken the silence and bailed her out. But an older wiser man am I, and I just continued to smile and ever so gently allowed my eyes to wander over her and take in her beauty, and the moment. Less is more here, you are subtlety telling her that you appreciate her without being an ass about it.

She looked down , shuffled and looked about to stammer something when I deftly went in… for the kill, so to speak. Perhaps a bad choice of words but you are in control here if you play it right.

I simply asked, “May I have your number ? “ It’s as if I had thrown a drowning man a life preserver. She was probably most relieved to have something to respond to…anything but more of this awkward silence for her to try to fill.

There you go. Done. Bam!

No sweaty palms or wasting of time trying to find my nerve. This was fun, this was flirtatious, honest and sincere. It was easy and perhaps most importantly, women love it. Hell I love it. You will love it if you just work the courage to give it a try. You will get numbers. You will get coffee dates. You will meet interesting and beautiful women if you are sincere, and not an ass about it.

Don’t stare at her. It’s best if she doesn’t see you coming at all. If she does look at you or see you coming , look right through her like you are zeroed in on that loaf of bread right behind her. Spring the heartfelt complement on her before her finely tuned radar picks you up as an “incoming man missile”.

Get her number or set up a coffee date, whatever works for you. There are no real rules. Tailor it to your personality and tastes. But for God’s sakes do it. At the very least actually complement a woman in a sincere manner and enjoy a moment. Feel alive. Make a woman’s day.

What’s not to like about that?



Mike Johnson
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc

Just a guy living life as best I can. “Writing”is my new experimental tool for trying to live better. Here I am. I hope to share some meaningful stories. Enjoy!