Job Hunting


The growing pains of getting a job.

I wake up in one of those phases where you realise that in a few months you’ll have to dust your jackets, polish your shoes, straighten your tie and parade yourself in the job market. As the many hirers come around and examine my teeth and bones, I look around to see someone just as sound of mind and body and probably a tad bit more job ready. The aptitude tests, the interviews, the works all await my utmost attention while I sit clueless and wonder how the days seem to have passed so quickly.

I can be some naive kid who can stare about and see the world move ahead, or I can be that pseudo adult who always thought about this inevitable moment. I am neither, I am just a guy about to finish his graduate studies, on the brink of entering into the mainstream. I am just a guy who is underprepared, nervous and unabashedly clueless. My peers have made plans, they know they’re going abroad, cracking some tough to score test or giving mock interviews in front of the mirrors. I as you can see am simply writing this…

I have spent years in the making, in training designed to prepare me for this moment, but I am not. We learnt how things in the world work, why they work in a certain manner, but we never learnt how the World works. We take the exit as kids and hope that we don’t end up in some dump. We are handed the wheel before we can spell license. I am obviously not saying this came all too soon, it caught me all too unawares.

This unpreparedness will however not do, I find myself enrolled in training programs that would help me navigate this elaborate procedure. It would probably end with me getting some desk job with a rare glimmer or scope of moving forward. I am being too pessimistic but it is to be expected, I am walking into the proverbial unknown. Time for me to grow up and take the exit, you miss “the one” and you land up somewhere unknown. I don’t know if I get, or when I get the dream job exit, but when I do I sure as hell would have a license.



Sathyaghan Iyer
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc

Student, techie, geek, bookworm, amateur photographer.....more to be added soon