Mindfulness 101: How To Breathe?

Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
3 min readJun 20, 2015

It is really ironic while breathing is the most fundamental element for our living but it is often disregarded from our attention. Do you notice how you often hold your breath or gasp for air when you’re angry or in pain? Most of the time, the answer is “no”. Hence, paying attention to your in breath and out breath is the first step to be mindful.


So often we do not notice the activity of inhale and exhale. Why? Because in order to breathe, we do not need to put any effort in it. Breathing comes naturally and simply, though it is essential for our living. That is the beauty of it. Therefore, the next time you breathe, be like a gatekeeper to notice the air coming in when you inhale and the air coming out when you exhale. Don’t try to force it, just breathe normally and feel your nostrils moving.


After being the gatekeeper to notice your in-breath and out-breath, don’t stop there and follow the flow of air coming inside your body. You see it comes to your nose, then you notice your lungs expand and the diaphragm move down to welcome the air. When you exhale, the diaphragm move up, push the air out and relax your lungs, then you notice the air is coming out of your nose. Slowly, and again, don’t force it, don’t interrupt it. Just simply be an observer to see the most wonderful process in life. When you are aware of your breath, you’ll notice an amazing thing that happens: your thoughts stop.

Slowly embrace your mind and body by mindful breathing
Be calm like a still water, don’t interrupt your breathing


When you breathe mindfully, you may experience a spontaneous calm and relaxed feeling immersing your whole body. You’d like to embrace it, put your body in relaxation, and you’ll see that the quality of your breath is enhanced . Your breathing is now in good pace, slow and deep. All you must do now is to enjoy it!

Remember your breath are the most wonderful thing for your living. Preserve and enjoy it. Credit: Nicolas Fuentes Flickr

That is it, folks. To conclude, there are 3 things while learning the practice of mindful breathing:

  • Remember to observe your in breath and out breath naturally and thoroughly. Do not force, or interrupt it.
  • When you do, the mind stops thinking and you are immersed in a calm, relaxed feeling of peace.
  • You can and should practice in every time and every moment. When you’re sitting, working, walking, or driving, even when you’re angry or in pain, go back to your breathing. Remember “My consciousness breathing is my anchor” -Thich Nhat Hanh


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Originally published at thetrainthought.wordpress.com on June 19, 2015.

