
Holly Rihan
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
2 min readNov 4, 2016

On an overcast day it’s hard to make the clouds conform into shapes but what else is there to do when boredom creeps in like a chill in the air. Nothing on telly as the summer action movies change over into family festive favourites. I try to spot the edges of each cloud to see movement but it all seems to float as one organism.

You can tell winter is not quite here yet, the cloud cover doesn’t have the weight to it. On an overcast day in December the clouds seem low enough to stroke the fluffy softness and get bitten by the bitter cold. It’s more of a thin veil today some patches tinged with blue seeping in from behind as though ink were bleeding on a page. The varying shades of grey threaten drizzle but the white accents dotted around promise the sun is hiding somewhere reflecting its light if only minimally.

I glance at the trees and smile, colour still clings to the world. Reds, yellows, browns and golds holding onto the branches and dusting the pavement.The world is not ready to surrender as winter attempts to leech its warmth. The evergreens stand proud their cold green leaves ready to welcome the cold as their counterparts shed. Pulling my jumper around me I pick up my steaming mug of coffee and stare at the mottled grey sky beginning to darken as the evening draws in. I managed to make no shapes but as the heating flares to life and my slippers call for me, I leave the sky to churn and change alone.

