#PostsFromtheNearFuture — Thanks Alex and Medium

Tony Yeung
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc
2 min readDec 27, 2015


Recently, I have recently an email from Alex Vikmanis, one of the Medium staff, about #PostsFromTheNearFuture.

I have been using Medium since 2012, and I quite liked the old design of Medium. Many people complained about the user interface is very complicated, and Medium has changed few times to make it better.

In 2015, I am trying to convict my business clients to use Medium.com, and I am trying to publish some articles on Medium. As I am a supporter, I really want more people to come to Medium.

In the Near Future, I hope I can see these happening in Medium

Publication Improvement

In the Near Future, I hope Medium can improve the awareness of publications. Publications used to be called collections, but the change killed most of the publications, including mine. Surely, most of the medium staffs know my publications, but my aim of using publications is (1) to organize the articles on medium better, and (2) to help the writers have more people to read their articles. If writers can’t have more readers from Medium.com, what is the point to use it? They can simply link their articles from their blogs to Twitter or Facebook for driving people to their website.

As a publication owner, now I cannot do a better analysis after Medium updated the user’s profile interface. People can’t see my other publications easily anymore.

Publication is a powerful tool for Medium.com that should not be missed. I hope Medium can improve the public awareness for the publications.

Gallery View

Content is still the king. People like to see pictures and videos. Medium seems have no function for posting lots of pictures in one article. Wouldn’t it be helpful if we can have a gallery view of many pictures? Twitter can have four pictures (a small gallery) in one tweet, why can’t Medium have a similar function?

I hope Medium can have a function to improve visual contents.

Hashtag and Tag

The hashtag and tag function is a bit confusing on Medium now. While the internet culture is really dominated by Hashtag culture (for now). Including me, I use hashtag for this article title. For some readers, hashtag is hard to read and it can be hard to read. For example: #SusanAlbumParty and #susanalbumparty can mean two different things. My suggestion for this auto change the hashtag to tag. When writer type #SusanAlbumParty, Medium can automatically detect and change to Susan Album Party in the article.

I hope Medium will have that function in the near future.

