Seven rituals that are changing my life


So I wrote this post because these ideas have guided the way I am living my life at the moment. Inspired by many great thinkers I cannot claim these to be my own. Thats the great thing about life, we come into it innocent, unprejudiced and with a clean slate. Things change and we are moulded and shaped by our experiences, and no matter where you find yourself in this world there is always time to learn and change for the better. You can start to change your life in this instance by listening to the great mentors that have roamed this earth and those that still do. I hope these ideas will inspire you to become the grander vision of yourself.

Physical Activity

Many life coaches advocate the motto “a healthy body equals a healthy mind”. True to that surfing has served as the domestic worker of my mind, sweeping out unwanted mind dirt and giving me a fresh start to the day ahead. Whilst providing this important cleaning service, it has also strengthened my heart and body which has served me well during my short tenure on this earth.

Surfing combined with an ever increasing passion for yoga are laying the foundation of my temple. I have a new appreciation into how I want to protect this indispensable asset that so many people disregard with contempt.

The other day I was speaking to my yoga instructor and gave the familiar excuse of “not having enough time to practice yoga” her retort “Think about it like this, the time it takes now it is actually giving you time, it’s allowing you to live a longer, healthier and more able life. You don’t have to do an hour and a half everyday. Start with 5 minutes or a couple sun salutations, and watch the effect it will start having on your life”.

With that I became a servant to my body.


The first step to designing the life you want is to write it down. People conjure up the grandest plans in their heads, and yes many a brilliant idea has been conjured up and executed straight from the head. The trouble is that in most cases the idea is replaced by another and another, moving on a conveyor belt that unless executed ends up in the dustbin of imaginary great ideas.

Yes there are those rare souls who act swiftly from their heads and reap the rewards thereof. For the rest of us we need a roadmap.

Instead of aimlessly fumbling around in the dark grasping at whatever semblance of a dream you can muster, take the time to sit down and set the beacons that will guide you towards your dream.

When you are able to write down and clarify what you want out of this life, a renewed focus comes into your living.

The day to day treadmill of life becomes a stepping stone for your grand vision as you step onto your roadmap.

With focused intention this roadmap has the potential to guide you to your dream.

Constant learning

Your education shouldn’t stop at the end of high school or university. It should be a continuous journey that shapes and contributes towards your passion in a meaningful way.

When confronted with a challenge a book or little bit of research can help you overcome whatever it is that is holding you back. Why not stand on the shoulders of people who have experienced the same challenges as you. Learn from other people and how they became the person they are.

Reading a book a month has contributed to the way I look at life and given me new insight into how to deal with challenges. Constantly trying to improve myself through being open to new experiences has helped me tremendously as I journey through this life. A book can give you insight into a lifetime of experiences.

Pick up a book and start reading.


Words are an amazing source of inspiration. So often I am caught in a situation that requires me to dig deep within myself. Having mantras to call upon during trying moments has helped me to deal with these situations more effectively.

The other day I was caught in a nasty mishap and in a lot of pain. My girlfriend began pouring antiseptic onto my open wounds. I called upon one of my favourite mantras by Robin Sharma “Pain is a gift, it deepens us and introduces us to who we truly are, a life without setbacks would be a shallow life. Pain raises our life to its next level”.

As I recited the mantra a calm storm descended upon my body and mind, the noise around me quitened and I was left with this belief that everything was going to be ok. Sometimes we need to tell ourselves that everything is going to be ok, people do this in many ways through chanting and prayers. Why not have a couple mantras readied and armed for situations that crop up in your life.

It shifts your perspective in that moment and a more enlightened approach to the situation can be undertaken.


Being grateful for things in your life has the potential to turn a gloomy day into one of joy and enthusiasm. When I count the blessings that drift into my life every day my perspective takes on a different hue. The trees become greener, the sky bluer and the ocean awe inspiring.

In an instant I can turn my mind away from a feeling of depression into the light of joy.

Count your blessings for the food on your table, the job you have or don’t have, the temple that your mind is blessed to reside in, the roof over your head, the thoughts you think, the parents you have who were brave enough to bring you into this world.

This action changes the way you see the world as you are graced with daily miracles,

appreciate them.

The morning pages

I gleaned this practice from the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. The concept is to write 3 pages every morning of whatever comes to your mind and transfer that into your fingertips, pen and then onto a page.

It seems to have opened the creative gates of my mind.

Previously conditioned into thinking that writing and art were the lesser forms of “education” compared to that of maths, science, biology and business economics. The dormant seed of creativity that lies within has been watered and is starting to develop into a seedling, the potential of which is boundless.

I now look at my life as a blank canvas and I can paint on it anything I choose.

Early Rising

As one of my favourite personal growth leader Robin Sharma and many others advocate “Rise with the sun”. If you use this time wisely instead of hitting the snooze button every five minutes, you will actually have time to practice what I have outlined above.

Wake up to your favourite tunes and start organising your day. Better yet, your day should be organised the night before and this time is used for cleaning the slate of your mind, and opening yourself up to the challenges and opportunities that the day will bring.

So many people have been trapped by the stampede of life as they are herded through the cattle gates of a 9 to 5 job.

People don’t even stop and consider the habit they are in. Groundhog day after groundhog day the stampede continues, and from my own personal experience the one way to stop it is to actually sit down and consider it. Write about what you are achieving in this life and what you want to achieve.

What better time to do that than with the rising sun. A new dawn. A new beginning.

These are a few of my daily rituals that are changing my life. If you start practicing one this post will have been a success! I hope you enjoyed it and if you would like to read more click on the link below. Namaste.

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the Soulful Surfer
Life Hack: Your Story, Experience, etc

A collection of experiences and lessons from the Soulful Surfer as he journeys through life.